Since the 1970’s I have experienced with loved ones all types of chronic diseases, it started back when it left my heart with a big fat hole. My father was stricken by cancer and was under the statistics of conventional medicine. Well, with all the surgeries, chemo and radiation his chance was not in the cards. The cancer took his life along with millions every year. The studies have not changed since the 1970’s, for I also worked in the medical field and had gotten personal with patients that ended up just like my father – death. Sure, they do trials later after your immune system has been attacked by all the stress, chemicals and radiation.
They say that time heals all things, but does it. When I was told that I had breast cancer six years ago, Dan and I took to the internet to research other methods that would give me and then him a quality of life. With many hours since then striving to educate and teach one on how to manage their chronic illnesses, we found out that it is not just one thing that works.
Part of getting better is the therapies that doctors can do, but a lot has what you can do for yourself also.
First, I can explain some therapies that are combinations to healing your body without side effects. The combination of treatments should begin with the overall blood work panel, sensitivity testing and specialty microscopy.
The natural agent sensitivity testing evaluates any changes with your system to the reaction of natural therapies. This is of high importance to be aware of current sensitivities so that the best therapies can be chosen and administered.
Need a cutting-edge method of perfusion hyperthermia to increase your immune system response, augment agents and target detox pathways. Not only does heat/fever trigger antibodies to be sent out to rid the system of invaders, but it also stimulates the immune system to be more productive and stealth as it were. The higher the fever, the more intense the response. As long as the higher temperature does not exceed a specific length of time. It is perfectly safe and extremely effective therapy for cleaning the blood as well as detoxification.
Hyperthermia perfusion: The concept for hyperthermia perfusion is to warm up the patient’s blood slowly up to 42-43 degree Celsius, which is Fahrenheit 107.6 degrees Celsius (42) or 109.4 C (43). This is like having a mild fever. This procedure is continued for anywhere from one hour to two hours. This depends on the patient’s homodynamic stability and blood gas results. The flow is a very low flow, around 30 to 80 ml/min. A high flow is not necessary, just as long as it is continuous. A linear flow is better. This is done by providing a constant low flow at a warm temperature. The patient is awake and this enables the perfusionist and the doctor, who are both present during the entire procedure, to monitor the patient closely. The console that provides the temperature and flow is regulated by parameters dialed in. The patient has a monitor which reveals EKG, respiratory rate, arterial saturation, and blood pressure. ACTs are run the length of the case to ensure proper anticoagulation, so no clots form in the software. The patient will experience no discomfort. The patient can sit up, read, talk, work on the computer or an iPad, and watch television, drink beverages, or converse with family in the patient’s room. Most patients will feel warm and perspire. Their color is great and they feel good. The ACT is allowed to become normal before the patient leaves the room the hyperthermia procedure allows the cancer cell membrane to become warm and enhances the treatments that are to be given. The temperature increases also burns the cancer cells, because they cannot survive in this temperature of 42-43 degrees Celsius. The results seen are very good. There is no chemo medication in this hyperthermia procedure. It is warming the patient’s blood with a small amount of Heparin (5000 units) in the priming volume. Therefore, the patient experiences only the warmth running through their entire body.
Formulation of supportive IV's based upon testing (on-going) and clinical (on going) evaluations. We will pay close attention to and target the immune system dysfunctions and affect full body support.
Premium protocol to improve liver function, prevent liver damage, improve strength and physical endurance and influence chronic fatigue associated with cancer and or chronic infections that will be employed. Metabolic protocols of oligo-elements, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents are equally essential features of your program.
A powerful bio-energy magnetic therapy program directed to increase and protect the energy production center of your body will be yet another key aspect of your program. Energy delivered to and utilized by the immune system to activate against cancer and infection is a targeted result. This therapy also potentiates any other therapy administered during your program as well.
Need someone to look at the underlining immune dysfunctions and infection processes that ride along with cancer. This aspect is of utmost importance to the success of your program.
Regex and Amino Acid Intravenous Therapy, Cocarboxilasa Protocol, IV Delivery of Specific Detox and/or Immune Support, Lymphatic sessions.
Lymphatic therapy should be an aspect of your therapy program. This treatment improves biological function and prepares you for administration and utilization off all therapies. Lymphatic therapy assists your immune system and opens detoxification pathways as well.
Nutritional Assessment and Dietary Guidelines -Specific diet evaluation, juicing and nutritional support during your stay. We always evaluate your current dietary plan and work with you for adjustments; assessment and implementation of supplements
Essential Oil Therapy/Magnetic/Herbal Therapies/Ozone, OTHER THERAPIES: Bio Dentistry Evaluation, Enzymatic Therapy, Ozone therapy & Oxygen Therapy
Hypothermic Ozonification: Unlike healthy human cells that love oxygen, cancer cells are anaerobic, and cannot live in high oxygen concentrations. Overexposure to oxygen in tumor cells, also known as hypothermic ozonification, results in over-acidification of the heated cells and a consequent nutrient deficiency; the tumor cellular metabolism is destroyed, resulting in apoptosis (cell death) of the tumor cells.
Specialty Detoxification Nebulization; Therapy Immuno Targeted Therapies, Cell Factor Therapies
Anti-Inflammatory Treatments
Dendritic cell (DC) therapy, also called dendritic cell vaccine. Dendritic cell (DC) therapy, also called dendritic cell vaccine. This is a newly emerging and potent form of immunotherapy used to treat cancer conditions. In the case of cancer, dendritic cell therapy is an immunotherapy that harnesses the body's own immune system to fight cancer. The dendritic cell itself is an immune cell whose role is the recognition, processing, and presentation of foreign antigens to the T-cells in the effector arm of the immune system. Although dendritic cells are potent cells, they are not usually present in adequate quantity to allow for a potent immune response. Dendritic cell therapy involves the harvesting of blood cells (such as monocytes or macrophages) from a patient and processing them in the laboratory to produce dendritic cells, which are then given back to a patient in order to allow massive dendritic participation in optimally activating the immune system.
Natural Killer Cells are a type of cytotoxic lymphocyte critical to the innate immune system. The role NK cellsMHC play is analogous to that of cytotoxic T cells. NK cells are unique; however, as they have the ability to recognize stressed cells in the absence of antibodies and MHC, allowing for much faster immune reaction.
High Dose IV Curcumin Therapy
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy & Neural Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapies
BENEFITS - Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Lyme Disease, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Infection, Stroke, Cardiac Disease and Regeneration, Macular Degeneration, Optic Nerve Damage, Spondylitis, Optic Neuritis, Liver Cirrhosis, Sport Injuries, Knee Injuries, Hip Problems and many other medical conditions.
WEBER LASER THERAPY – for more information go to http://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/treatments to the bottom showing the different therapies.
Depending on your blueprint and your chronic illness, the treatment for you should be per your lab work and scans to determine what combination is best for you.
Remember it is up to you to research other methods, such as the ones that I have mentioned+ to you. It’s your body!!!
You do not have to be a survivor of pain and long term side effects from chemo and radiation. There are other therapies that are better for your body with no long-term side effects.
For more information, you can E-mail me your condition, phone number and the best time to call. RECEIVE THE FUNCTIONAL WAY OVER THE CONVENTIONAL WAY with no long term side effects. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.