A spiritual foundation opens your eyes to the struggles of yourself and others.
Hello Followers,

Can not believe in two more days it will be May.
Today Dan and I are going to start off with a question.
Have you ever thought about whether you have a strong inner foundation that helps to guide your life’s choices?
When we say foundation, we mean the inner structure that helps you live your life with less stress and not being so overwhelmed.

Having a strong inner foundation is an important part of intentional living because it helps you make decisions that shape your future for the better.
If your foundation is not solid, you might feel like life is constantly knocking you down just when things seem to be getting back on track.
Even if you already have a solid inner foundation, which does not mean it cannot sway from side to side sometimes.
Our strength is constantly tested by the pressures of the world, and it can take a lot of effort to stay upright.
So, as we have been exploring words and how it effects our health, I welcome you to check out the past two weeks posts with words such as, time, faith, self-worth, happiness, encouragement, self-talk, optimism, karma, forgiveness, trust, appreciation, thoughts and words, power, rebuilding, passion, confidence, connection, transitioning, motivation, preparation, coping, laughter, empowerment, limitations, gratitude, circumstance, universe, humor, change, unknown, freedom, and victory.
Today the word is foundation.

With a strong inner foundation, you will be better able to handle change.
You can grow more when you are in a secure space and rooted in what you need and want.
In this post, Dan and I will explore the idea of creating an inner foundation so you can stay grounded and reduce the stress of daily life.
There is a lot of pressure in our daily lives, which means we need a sense of structure to help us stay strong.
If you have been feeling overwhelmed and unable to make any real changes in your life, it may be that you need to work on building your inner foundation.
Your foundation is whatever you need it to be.
Imagine your foundation at the very core of your being.
Your foundation keeps you grounded and plants you where you are as you take tiny steps to nourish yourself and prioritize your own needs.

Think of your inner foundation in terms of what supports you and gives you strength.
You can build your inner foundation upon your:
Mindset - the quality of your thoughts.
What thoughts do you need to believe about yourself to feel supported?
How can you be more mindful of your own feelings and behaviors?
How can you focus on the current moment more than the past/future?
Values - what is important to you.

What do you value in friendships and relationships?
What do you value in your work?
What are the top three values you want to uphold in your own life?
Habits - daily routines that keep you grounded.
What are your current daily habits?
Are your habits self-supporting or self-defeating?
What habits would help make your life feel more balanced?
Strengths - the things you are naturally good at.

What are your biggest strengths?
How do these strengths help support you in life?
How can you make better use of your strengths in your daily life?
Relationships - people who make you feel secure and supported.
What makes you feel most supported in a relationship/friendship?
Who are the people in your life who make you feel grounded?
Are there any relationships you need to let go of to feel more stable?
If you are constantly trying to make changes in your life but nothing seems to stick, consider first whether you have the foundation necessary to support you.

Ultimately, a strong inner foundation is what keeps you balanced, stable, and secure.
Come back to this concept whenever you notice yourself feeling unsteady.
We hope this post has encouraged you to become mindful of your foundation.
Think of how you can use your thoughts, values, habits, strengths, and relationships to keep you grounded and reduce the pressure of daily life.
Continuing as in the previous posts; 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.

The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.
APRIL 29th
THERE IS A TREASURE TROVE OF JOY to be found each day.

Today is a puzzle and the clues for happiness are all around.
Look for the good in each interaction and place that you encounter.
Redirect your thoughts when you feel yourself drawn to negativity.
If we search for the positive, our minds are calibrated to find it.
Be open to discovery, like an explorer on an open sea.
The excitement of searching is half the fun.
PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong.
Dan and I have started back bouncing and walking to Walk at Home YouTube.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
For us, that may be walking through a park, walking in a mall, or going to the gym and just staying home, bouncing, and walking to Walk at Home with YouTube.
This also includes daily meditation and twice a week Tai Chi.
Guided Meditation for Inner Peace and Calm | Mindful Movement
This is a guided meditation to help you calm the sense of being overwhelmed and find peace from within.
You will be guided through relaxation to help you get curious about what you are feeling.
This meditation will help you nurture yourself with unconditional love and compassion.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.

Until Sunday, great people are great because of good,
strong foundations on which they were able to build a character.
