August 4, 2024
Hello followers,
Welcome to Sunday!

When someone else’s happiness is your happiness, that is love.
Once you learn to accept and love them for who they are, you subconsciously learn to love yourself unconditionally.
As we approach a new week, let us remember those past moments that led us to this moment.
For about a week Dan and I have been sharing stories of our dating years, many moons ago.
Dan says I have a photographic memory.
I will ask if he remembers an event in the past going back when we first met, and he would not recall until I mention certain details.
He will then say, yes, I remember!
So, this brings me to our second Christmas together in 1981.
Dan and I were going to visit his family in Poughkeepsie, NY.
That would be my first time meeting his mother and family, and it was very dramatic.
Dramatically on the way we arrived!
It started with my mother driving us over the Skyway Bridge to Sarasota so we could take People's Express Airlines, this was the airline that you paid for while in the air.
If you can remember that far back in 1981, the air traffic controllers were on strike.
Well anyway, Dan and I boarded the airplane to find that we were delayed and if you know Dan loves to plan everything close together.
Finally, the plane took off, I was so excited for this was the first time I really would see snow being a Floridan and all.
The plan was when we got to LaGuardia there would be a bus waiting for us to take to Grand Central Station, which we would then take the train to Poughkeepsie.
Guess what happened!
We missed all our connections when we landed at the airport, the bus was gone.
During those days there was only taxi service, no Uber.
Quick thinking we took a taxi to Grand Central Station and ran to the trains to find that the last one had left about twenty minutes ago, but there was one more that would go just halfway.
Or we could just stay in Grand Central Station all night and take the train on through in the morning.
What to do?
Well, as we were thinking of the best plan, a police officer came over and advised us that the station will be closing at midnight.
Dan asked the police officer, so you are going to through us out - YES.
During this time Dan was telling me to keep my luggage close to me, because of the homeless that slept there.
Great, the trip is becoming quite adventurous and so from there Dan decided to take the train halfway.
As we were getting the tickets to ride the train, Dan was explaining to me that the train station would be open, and we could stay there until the next train boards for Poughkeepsie.
I agreed and off we went but held on - on the other side the train station was closed.
Oh no, what to do!
There was this shelter that was closed with a light, and this is where Dan and I stood freezing until a thought came into his head, we would wait for a taxi.
We waited until about a half hour went by, there was no taxi.
What did we do next but call a taxi!
That would be our savior, but wait - hold on, as we were driving Dan asked him about how much it would cost to get us to Poughkeepsie.
Without a blink, the cab driver said $50.00.
Yes, you read that right!
Nevertheless, he took us to the closest diner that was open 24 hours.
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus on seeing the light.
This is where I will pause and will continue tomorrow.
Life is an involvement of mix experiences and emotions.
A journey that constantly evolves and surprises us.
It is filled with challenges that test our resilience, moments that take our breath away, and opportunities that push us toward growth.
We already know that positive thinking can help decrease stress and anxiety, scientists have proven it.
And the power of positivity does not always have to originate with you, it can also come from what you hear.
Flexibility is the capacity to adjust to short-term change quickly and calmly so that you can deal with unexpected problems or tasks effectively.
If we are rigid in our behavior, we will find it difficult to cope with real-life situations.
But to be open-minded and keep shifting your mindset to new perspectives and ideas is the best way to flourish and be successful in life.

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This year’s affirmations are from the book- Everyday Affirmations
365 Mantras for happiness, strength, and peace.
Follow everyday
Dan and I highly recommend you check it out.
Let Everyday Affirmations be your go-to for a moment of stillness, gentleness, and generosity for a year full of happiness, strength, and peace.
August 4th
Every time you try again, you can try something a little differently.
Every time you shift, something in you, you create a new chance at success.
Refining your approach, creating new versions of your paths and plans with every new attempt: this is called iteration.
Each time this happens, you can learn more about yourself, about the world around you, and about how it works.
You can try as many times as you like.
You will always learn more.

PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
Discover the power of visualization and manifest your wishes with this guided meditation.
By visualizing your desires and tapping into the law of attraction, you can bring abundance, positivity, and change into your life.
Let this guided meditation help you manifest your dreams and make them a reality!
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Dan and I welcome you to go to the tag words and explore our posts.
Until Monday, the next choice is the most important choice.
