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Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower.

Hello Followers,

Welcome to Sunday!

Fall has a magical essence, with its vibrant colors, cooler air, and completion of a season of growth.

Today would be a perfect day to reflect on how you have changed this year and celebrate your growth with gratitude.

Take a drive, go for the hike, or simply stroll around the neighborhood to take in the fall foliage.

Be in awe of nature’s wonders.

This simple, unplugged activity can do wonders for the body and the brain.

Take it all in, before the colors disappear for a year.

Go to the harvest festivals and drink freshly pressed cider.

Do the corn maze.

Take the hayride.

Pick apples at a local orchard.

Save and preserve what is available.

More importantly, make connections that build a stronger community into the future.

Talk with the farmers and other patrons, get to know neighbors and other community members to build a town that is strong and friendly.

As the seasons change and Autumn works its way to winter, be sure to take it all in.

Enjoy Autumn by just getting outside and taking advantage of the foods and pleasures that are unique to this season.

So, Dan and I welcome you to go to our YouTube site to enjoy and bring uplifting vibes to your day.

These uplifting videos hold a significant place in our lives.

They offer a glimpse into the wisdom of our experiences.

Continuing as in the previous posts; 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.

The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.

October 15th

AUTUMN IS A SPECIAL TIME of year, as the air becomes crisper, and things seem cozier.

Leaves are changing their colors, the temperature drops, and the sun rises later.

Harvest has been completed and part of the world is getting ready to settle into the cooler months when hibernation begins.

Fall has a magical essence, with its vibrant colors, cooler air, and completion of a season of growth.

Reflect on how you have changed this year and celebrate your growth with gratitude.


Intuition is seeing with the soul.

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

You are always one decision away from a totally different life.

To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.

Your only identity is I AM undefined and infinite. Any label you give yourself limits yourself.

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of one’s desire to understand.

It is a good day to have a good day.

PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong.

Dan and I have started back bouncing and walking to Walk at Home YouTube.

It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.

Be present with the changing of the seasons with this guided Autumn meditation.

For us, that may be walking through a park, walking in a mall, or going to the gym and just staying home, bouncing, and walking to Walk at Home with YouTube.

This also includes daily meditation and twice a week Tai Chi.

If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.

Until Monday, Fall has always been Dan and my favorite season.

The time when everything bursts with its last beauty,

as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.


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