Hello Sunday,
Yes, its Sunday again, but a new one at that! Now where is the remote so I can hit the rewind button.

I feel like I should clean the house, So I’m going to lay down and nap until that feeling passes. Happy Sunday, smile more than you cry give more than you take and Love more than you hate. Dan’s and my cleaning to do list today:
– Count my blessings
– Practice kindness
– Let go of what I can’t control
– Listen to my heart
– Be productive yet calm
– Just breathe
☀️ 🌸 🌿 ☀️

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.
Today I’m going to continue writing about our polluted water problem. This blogging is going to be about how water changed both of our lives.
It goes back to 2009, I quit my career in the medical field after 30 years. I was going through a change, for my daughter was off to college and realized that she was doing something she liked doing. I was a little jealous, for I wanted something more than collecting money from sick people. I was more into the creative side, I wanted more for my life. I guess I was going through a change of life!
So, I searched with my heart, for something different. It was with one card at a time. I chose, SEND OUT CARDS. This was something that Dan’s friend was involved in and since I was making homemade cards already, it was a perfect job opportunity.

Words are powerful tools. When a friend is discouraged or having a difficult time, the right words can clear their outlook and lift their spirits. Other times, there may be a person who does great work and deserves an encouraging note, and the right words from you will make all the difference.

This was my calling; it happened this one morning in a network marketing meeting. Marcus was his name, he changed Dan’s and my life with his water. Every week when I attended the network meeting, he offered me his water. He would bring in gallons of this precious water, until one day he asked if one evening Dan and I could come to his home so he can show us where this water came from. The mystery WATER!

That was truly the evening that changed our thinking of water and gave us a different perspective on our drinking water. Dan a couple of years prior had a heart attack and had health issues, which the water was helping. As, we were using the gallon containers that Marcus was furnishing us with; it was time for us to purchase our own machine.
We both listened silently to the water, which to us was not just water, but the voice of life, the voice of Being, the voice of perpetual Becoming.
Good morning Sunday 🌞 Laughing together is as close as you can get to a hug without touching. Sending virtual Hugs 🤗🌝🤗
So, it begins! Next week, I will be sharing Dan’s and my experience with our water system. I’ll be also explaining the benefits and why we chose this particular brand.
Do you believe that there are no coincidences in life? Everything happens for a reason. Every person we meet has a roll in our life, either it is big or small. Some will hurt, betray and make us cry. Some will teach us to listen, not to change us, but to make us to be a better person. Well, Marcus taught me so much during a time of my life where I needed a change, health wise. Not knowing later that the next year being diagnosed with breast cancer and how the change of water would make a big impact on my life.

Your body is at least 70% water. But what water are you made of? Not all water is created equal!
For over four decades, Japan-based water system makers have been among the leading manufacturers of alkaline ionizers and water filtration machines in the world.
Their passion is to transform the tap water in your home into pure healthy electrolyzed-reduced and hydrogen-rich drinking water.
Until tomorrow, life’s too precious, so have fun, treasure the memories, say what you want, do what you want, have no regrets and remember everything happens for a reason.

Tomorrow, I will continue on how our water changed our life. You will finely be exposed to the BRAND, MORE ABOUT THE BRAND AND MORE OF OUR EXPERIENCE WITH THIS BRAND.