December 28, 2024
Hello followers,

The only way that we can live is if we grow.
The only way that we can grow is if we change.
The only way that we can change is if we learn.
The only way we can learn is if we are exposed.
And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open.
Do it.
Throw yourself.
How can you know what you are capable of if you do not embrace the unknown?
Change is inevitable in life.
You can either resist it or potentially get run over by it.
You can choose to cooperate with it.
Adapt to it and learn how to benefit from it.
When you embrace change, you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth.
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This year’s affirmations are from the book- Everyday Affirmations
365 Mantras for happiness, strength, and peace.
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Dan and I highly recommend you check it out.
Let Everyday Affirmations be your go-to for a moment of stillness, gentleness, and generosity for a year full of happiness, strength, and peace.
December 28th
Ashes are not just ashes,
What burns also rises, infused with lightness, rejoining the world.
Energy and matter are not destroyed, not ever.
The universe keeps building and transforming every particle into a puzzle piece, every fire a phoenix.
When the world feels like it is burning around you, look for opportunities to transform and build.
Use that energy to push you forward.
PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
Each day is a blank canvas, awaiting the brushstrokes of our dreams, desires, and actions.
We hold the key to unlocking doors that lead to new opportunities, growth, and transformation.
As you drift into the realm of dreams, I encourage you to embrace the belief that you have the power to shape your own reality.
Imagine a reality where your aspirations are not merely fleeting thoughts, but the driving force behind your every step.
Picture a world where challenges become catalysts for personal development and where setbacks are seen as steppingstones to success.
Envision a future where your passion ignites the flames of creativity, and every endeavor becomes a masterpiece.
Know that you can rewrite the script of your life.
Embrace the power of positive thoughts, intentions, and actions.
Let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back and replace them with unwavering confidence in your own potential.
May your sleep be filled with visions of a brighter future, and may you awake with a renewed spirit, ready to embrace the day with open arms.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Dan and I welcome you to go to the tag words and explore our posts.
Until Sunday, there is a kind of magic about going far away and then coming back all changed.