Do not give up! It is not over. The universe is balanced.
Do not give up! It is not over. The universe is balanced. Every setback bear with it the seeds of a comeback.
Hello Followers,
Welcome to Sunday.

Dan and I have been sharing words and exploring the relationship of words to our health for the past couple of weeks.
I have been thinking this morning how words and our thoughts play a big part in what is thrown up in our universe.
Do you believe that using positive words and thoughts goes up to the universe through the mindful energy of our minds?
The universe is a huge, beautiful, amazing place.
It is an incredible feeling to reflect on how vast the universe is to put things into perspective in our own lives.
Looking up at the stars is awe inspiring and motivating at the same time.
When we express love in all our interactions, we are flawless with our words.
Our words reflect who we are; and when we speak our truth and keep our word, we are seen by others as trustworthy.
We are accountable for our thoughts, words, and choices in life.
That is, we must be responsible to respond to events in our lives, instead of reacting to them.
Being responsible for ourselves also means being aware of our words and choosing the ones which are our true intentions for the future.
When we realize that love is who we are, it then becomes the source from which all our thoughts, words, and choices flow.

So, as we have been exploring words and how it effects our health, I welcome you to check out the past two weeks posts with words such as, time, faith, self-worth, happiness, encouragement, self-talk, optimism, karma, forgiveness, trust, appreciation, thoughts and words, power, rebuilding, passion, confidence, connection, transitioning, motivation, preparation, coping, laughter, empowerment, limitations, gratitude, and circumstance.
Today the word is universe.

The invisible vibration of energy connects you to everyone and everything.
In other words, you keep loving, positive energy in circulation by what you think, feel, say, and do, and the universe conspires with you.
As a result of this spiritual law of circulation, you naturally project love out into the world.
Love is the highest energy frequency in the universe.
And our words are the source of love.
The high vibration of positive words has an uplifting effect on our world, whereas the vibration from negative words has the power to destroy.
When we open our hearts, light energy flows through us as pure love, making us channel for the flow of love to others through our thoughts, words, and actions.
As channeling of love, we can receive and transmit energy that is divinely sourced.
Then, we can use this information to align with our soul’s journey and sustain the circulation of loving energy through positive thoughts, words, and choices that benefit ourselves and others.
One way to support such positive, life-affirming intentions is to eliminate all the unkind thoughts, words, and actions we inflict upon ourselves daily.
Many of us move through our days shaming, and terrorizing ourselves with our self-talk in ways we would never express to anyone we love.
Such negative self-talk can trigger a chain reaction of aggression, first to us, then to others and the world at large.
Such negativity obstructs our ability to co-create the life we truly want.
Instead, we need to realize that all our thoughts, words, and choices must originate in love even when we step in dog poop while wearing our most expensive shoes, break a favorite vase, lose a job, or hurt someone we love.
Any spoken or unspoken word functions as an intention so it is crucial to keep your words positive with yourself and others.
The phrase be careful what you wish for applies to the potential outcomes of thinking or speaking negatively.
If you catch yourself thinking or speaking negatively, immediately pause and shift your ideas, words, or tone to be more positive.
It is also important that your word intentions reflect what you want rather than what you do not want, because any intention has the power to manifest.
For instance, if you complain to a coworker that you hate your job and wish you did not have to be there, you are setting a negative intention.
In generating energy to support this intention, you may get your wish and end up being fired.
For better results, express your intention positively by saying, for example, I want to use my talents and abilities to create a new career, or I desire a job in which I can express myself more fully.
Having set a positive intention, you can manifest a new job by being aware of possibilities that will help you find it, such as talking to someone who tells you about another position, seeing a job advertised in the paper or on the Internet, or running into a friend who wants to start a business with you.

Another spiritual tool you can use to clear negative self-talk is positive affirmations.
To do so, it may at first be necessary to use positive affirmations many times a day.
But with practice, you can train yourself to override this fear-based self-talk with simple positive phrases that remind you to override the negative.
Here are a few positive affirmations you can say aloud when you witness a negative thought, word, or belief cropping up: Move beyond, Open, and let go, and Bless and release.

Using these positive phrases repeatedly over time will disrupt your automatic negative thinking.
We often forget how powerful our words are and speak unconsciously or make promises with no intention of keeping them.
This leads to a break in our integrity.
When we express love in all our interactions, we are flawless with our words.
Our words reflect who we are; and when we speak our truth and keep our word, we are seen by others as trustworthy.
We are accountable for our thoughts, words, and choices in life.
That is, we must be responsible to respond to events in our lives, instead of reacting to them.
Being responsible for ourselves also means being aware of our words and choosing the ones which are our true intentions for the future.
When we realize that love is who we are, it then becomes the source from which all our thoughts, words, and choices flow.
Every thought, feeling, word, and action you put forth is a memo to the universe.
The invisible vibration of energy connects you to everyone and everything.
In other words, you keep loving, positive energy in circulation by what you think, feel, say, and do, and the universe conspires with you.
As a result of this spiritual law of circulation, you naturally project love out into the world.
So, today let us all start each day sending love of our words and thoughts up to the universe and be thankful for what we have.

Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.
At any given moment, you have the power to say; this is not how the story is going to end.
A good laugh heals a lot of hurts.
You can, you should, and if you are brave enough to start, you will.
Life has no limitations; except the ones you make.
Gratitude changes everything.
Your present circumstances do not determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
Continuing as in the previous posts; 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.
The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.

APRIL 23rd
OUR FRIENDSHIPS ARE SOULFUL gifts to be cherished.
Each of us has a soul, and when we feel connection, it is an indicator that our souls have found someone else’s soul friendly.
Not everyone connects, and that is okay.
Friendship is supposed to feel connected, joyful, and supportive.
If you are craving more soulful connections, be what you want to attract, and you will find likeminded souls.
When you do find a connection, nurture it with care.
PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong.
Dan and I have started back bouncing and walking to Walk at Home YouTube.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
For us, that may be walking through a park, walking in a mall, or going to the gym and just staying home, bouncing, and walking to Walk at Home with YouTube.
This also includes daily meditation and twice a week Tai Chi.
Listen To the Universe - Guided Meditation
Quiet your mind and open your heart, in this meditation on finding stillness, and allowing yourself to receive insight from the universe.
By pulling back to becoming the observer of our own minds, we can look at the challenges we have been facing in our lives and ask ourselves what lessons the universe has been trying to teach us.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Until Monday, enlightenment, for a wave in the ocean, is the moment the wave realizes it is water. When we realize we are not separate, but a part of the huge ocean of everything,
we become enlightened.
We realize this through practice, and we remain awake and aware of this through more practice.