Good Morning Sunday,
Its been 75 days and no interaction with people other then phone or on face-time, zoom. I’ve planning on waiting until things get clearer on what’s happening with the virus. What are you up to? Have you been going along with normal activities?

I know the virus is just one element of how our environment is being polluted, which causes damage to our health or even death. If you look harder, you will see how horrible pollution is killing us slowly. I have been on the topic of how our environment is being polluted for the past week and posted about how important water is to our health. Did you know that the water in which we drink and shower is being polluted with several chemicals that are causing a lot of our diseases?
One of which is FLUORIDE!!
Fluorides - in excessive amounts can make your teeth yellow and cause damage to the spinal cord.

We must treat water as if it were the most precious thing in the world, the most valuable natural resource. Be economical with water! Don't waste it! We still have time to do something about this problem before it is too late. Mikhail Gorbachev

I posted on the blog on Sunday, January 6, 2013, which is crazy on what is happening in today’s world.
January 2, 2013
This article is an excerpt from The Health Conspiracy and How to End It that has been expanded upon.
Fluoride is a compound that is added to most drinking water in the United States and some other countries. It can even be found in your food and other products such as toothpaste and dental floss. Now, why is fluoride added to the water?
Let’s have a look at the alleged “logic” here with a pretend conversation:
Steve: Why is fluoride added to the water?
Bob: It’s supposed to fight cavities.
Steve: Okay. Whose cavities?
Bob: The cavities of low-income families.
Steve: So, it’s put in the water?
Bob: Right.
Steve: But, isn’t most water used for showering, washing clothes, washing dishes and flushing toilets?
Bob: Right.
Steve: And, wouldn’t higher income families have healthier teeth, based on your logic, so they wouldn’t need fluoridated water?
Bob: Right.
Steve: So, why, exactly, is it in all of the water then?
Bob: Because, it’s supposed to fight cavities.

Now, that conversation sounds like it could have been between Dorothy and Toto while following the yellow brick road. However; that is actually the logic for fluoridating our water supply. And, here’s another brain buster for you. If it’s supposed to fight cavities, why do you swallow it? Do you eat chap stick when your lips are chapped? Do you chug a glass of sunscreen to prevent sunburn? I don’t think so. So, where’s the scientific evidence that ingesting fluoride fights cavities? Maybe, Dorothy and Toto can ask the wicked witch of the west when they see her.

But, let’s play the man behind the curtain for a second, and agree that fluoride does fight cavities. How much do we need? What if a man, 30 years of age, drinks 70 ounces of tap water a day and a female child, 6 years of age, drinks 40 ounces of tap water? What if it’s the opposite? Who’s saying that the girl is drinking too much or the man isn’t drinking enough? The fact is, fluoride is classified as a drug by the FDA and is probably the only non-over-the-counter drug in America not administered by a doctor with no dosage control. Mass medication for everybody.
Or, at least those who are unaware. Regardless whether it’s good or bad, why shouldn’t anybody have the right to vote and tell his or her neighbors living in your town or city what they should have in their water?
What Is Fluoride and Where Does It Come From?
Fluoride can be found in its natural form in fresh and ocean water, but this is not what is added to drinking water. The fluoride in our water is actually a byproduct of the phosphate mining industry. Toxic fumes used to go into the atmosphere from refining phosphate into fertilizer. Once it was recognized that this was bad for the environment, wet scrubbing systems were installed to keep the toxic fumes from going into the outside air. The chemical residues inside the wet scrubbers, sodium silicofluoride and Hexafluorosilicic acid, had to be cleaned off and are considered hazardous waste, so it is illegal to just toss them out. So, it’s added to the water supply instead. Who are the geniuses that came up with that solution?

Just having a look at the label of sodium fluoride, it reads “Danger: Poison – Toxic by Ingestion”. A company that distributes fluoride to towns and cities provides a little more information. Health Hazards: “Corrosive to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes through direct contact, inhalation or ingestion.” “May cause severe irritation and burns, which may not be immediately apparent.” “Potential Health Effects: Ingestion Corrosive. Harmful or fatal if swallowed.” “May cause severe irritation and burns of the mouth, throat and digestive tract.” “Signs and symptoms: May lead to coma or death.”
Everywhere water is a thing of beauty, gleaming in the dewdrops; singing in the summer rain; shining in the ice-gems till the leaves all seem to turn to living jewels; spreading a golden veil over the setting sun; or a white gauze around the midnight moon. John Ballantine Gough
Another post that I blogged about on Saturday, November 12, 2016, which I feel should be told.

Most Bottled Water is Filled with Fluoride, here’s a Complete List of Brands to Avoid
The senior study author Philippe Grandjean claims that the reason for this is the toxic effects of fluoride on the developing brain.
“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that because chemical brain drains. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
The following list includes bottled water brands that have no or little fluoride:
A Better Water
Agromas Natural Mineral Water
American Fare
American Star
Aqua Fresca
Aqua Panna
Aqua Pure
Aquarius Natural Mineral Water
Arbor Springs
Arlington Springs
Aquafina Water
Aqua Systems
Aqua Von
Artesian Wells
Augusta Medical – Daniels
Badger Water
Besco Pure Premium Drinking Water
BIOTA Colorado Pure Spring Water
Black Berry Farms
Blue Ice Natural Mineral Water
Callaway Blue
Century Springs
Chippewa Spring Water
Citi Stop
Classic Selection
Clearly Arctic
Clear Mountain Spring Water
Clover Company Limited
Cold Country
Cohutta Mountain Spring Water
Cowboy Squeeze
Crowne Plaza Drinking Water
Crowne Plaza Natural Mineral Water
Cruel Jacks Spring Water
Crystal Mountain Spring Water
Crystal Point
Crystal Ridge
Crystal Spring Natural Spring Water
Culligan Water
Dakota Splash
Deep Rock
Deep Rock Crystal Drop
Deep Rock Fontenelle
Deja Blue
Desert Quench
East Phils
Eco Quest
Equatorial Natural Mineral Water
Essentia Water
E Water
Family Pantry
Famous Ramona Water
Flowing Springs
Food Club
Founders Square Bank
Fresh Brands Artesian
Fresh Brands Distilled Water
Fresh Brands Drinking Water
Fresh Market
Glacier Bay
Glen Summit Springs Water
Glen Summit Distilled Water
Glenwood Inglewood
Gordon Food Service
Great Bear
Great Value
Hidden Valley Natural Mineral Water
Hillcrest Distilled Water
Hillcrest Drinking Water
Hillcrest Spring Water
Hilton PJ Natural Mineral Water
Hinckley Springs
Hi-Sprint Drinking Water
Hi-Sprint Natural Mineral Water
Hog Wash
Hon Less Natural Mineral Water
Ice Jam
Istana Natural Mineral Water
Joe Muggs
Joe Ragan’s Pure Water
Junior Johnson
Just Squeezed
KLGCC Natural Mineral Water
Kroger Bottled Water (Reverse Osmosis)
Krystal J Artesian Water
Krystal J Distilled Water
Leroy Jenkins Ministries
Logansport Savings Bank
Masafi Pure Natural Mineral Water
Mercurio Produce
Mesra Drinking Water
Mesra Natural Mineral Water
Misty Mountain
Monadnock Mountain Spring Water
Mountain Energy
Mountain Forest
Mountain Valley Spring Water
Mutiara Natural Mineral Water
Nantze Springs
New Frontier Bank
Niagra Mist
Nicolet Distilled
Northern Illinois University
Oasis Pure Drinking Water
Oasis Sparkling Water
Ogallala – Clear Cool Water
OUI Drinking Water
OUI Natural Mineral Water
Parmer Pure H2O
Patriots Choice
Pelangi Natural Mineral Water
Penta Ultra Premium Purified Drinking Water
Piggly Wiggly
Polaris Water
Pristine Natural Artesian
Purely Sedona
Quick Stop
Rain Soft
Refresh Natural Mineral Water
Reiser Drinking Water
Request Foods, Inc.
Rip Time
Roundy’s “Purified Water”
Safeway – Refreshe
Sam’s Wine & Spirits
San Faustino Natural Mineral Water
San Pellegrino
Santee Springs
Scheopner’s Water
Sequoia Springs
Silver Creek Purified Water
Silver Creek Spring Water
Sky Drinking Water
Smart Water
Snow Valley
Stator Bros. Markets
Summit Mountain
Summit Springs
Summit Valley
Teton Mountain Lodge Spring Water
United Dairy Farmers
Vitamin Water
Veta Drinking Water
Whistler Water
Whole Foods 365
Woodland Spring Water
Wyoming Machinery “Catipillar” Spring Water
What The World Needs More 💗 Love
Good morning Sunday🦋 Give all to love... Obey thy heart 💗 Have a wonderful day.
The following bottled water brands are high in fluoride, so you should avoid them in order to prevent serious health issues:
Belmont Springs
Crystal Rock
Crystal Springs
Deer Park
Diamond Springs
Hindley Spri
Ice Mountain
Kentwood Springs
Mayer Bros.
Mount Olympus
Nursery Water
Poland Spring
Pure Flo
Puritan Springs
Sierra Springs
DO you drink any of these brands?
Until tomorrow, if there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.
