February 29, 2024
Hello Followers,
Welcome to Thursday.

This year we have one more day in February, it is Leap Day.
Let us celebrate the last day of February with a farewell and get ready for March.
This is the perfect time to stop assuming the worst, if you are that type of person.
If your mind is racing like Dan and mine sometimes do, and you are consumed with worry.
Are your thoughts telling you what ifs?
What ifs and imagined scenarios may seem incredibly real but they are figment of our imagination.
A large proportion of the things we imagine never actually happen.
Let us say you go to the doctor’s because you have a pain in your stomach, you spend the day before worrying that the doctor will discover a terrible disease.
The doctor finds that it was something you ate that unsettled your stomach and gave you a script to fill.
Your problem solved.
Yet you spent the previous day gripped with anxiety.
If worrying is controlling your life, it is time to take control today.
The second you realize you are dwelling on a worst-case scenario, bring yourself back to the present.
Remind yourself that you are not a fortune teller!
Worrying serves no purpose other than to make you feel anxious.
Focus on the facts of a situation and on what is rather than what ifs.
Since it is Leap Day, Dan and I decided to make LEAP the word of the day.
The term leap of faith was first coined by Soren Kierkegaard.
He believed that having faith allowed people to take risks.
This term is used to describe a belief that you can achieve success even when you cannot see a clear path towards it.
It implies hope and optimism.
Everything beautiful that we create in life requires a leap of faith.
Preparation can only take you so far, after that you must take a few leaps of faith.
Resist your fear and worry; fear and worry will never lead to a positive end.
LEAP – have faith.
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February 29th

How do you jump from something sure to something uncertain?
Why would you risk what you have when you do not know what is waiting on the other side?
Maybe it is the desire to try things that we have never done before.
Or perhaps it is the journey that comes with trying that we look forward to.
We take that leap of faith because doing so is part of being human.
But a leap of faith requires more than reason.
You jump into the abyss not knowing where the wind will take you, and the uncertainty is what makes it such a special experience.
Taking a leap of faith can be frightening, but ultimately you must go for it.
Otherwise, you might end up regretting your decision when it is too late.
Reason is, in fact, the path to faith, and faith takes over when reason can say no more.
PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
Anything that we practice in our minds is easier to do when we have an opportunity to do it in real life.
This meditation is an opportunity for you to practice taking a leap of faith, trusting yourself and that the universe has your back.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Dan and I welcome you to go to the tag words and explore our posts.

Until Friday, sometimes all you need is a big leap of faith.
Wishing my grandfather a Happy Birthday on this Leap Day