Hello Wednesday,
Yesterday, Dan and I suited up again to go to the functional medicine doctor, we wore our gloves and mask. Also, we wore long sleeves and pants. Got some real good news, my cancer markers are in the good range and she was very pleased. My cholesterol and glucose can be worked on a little. Gave me some supplements and told me she will see me back in six months.

We came home and took our clothing off at the front door and changed into different ones. Life is good!
I put life in perspective by changing my attitude, an outlook, a set of ideals, a point of view, or a context by drawing in my mind the situation. It’s about using your imagination and painting a picture. Whether Dan and I are hoping to achieve something in general, establishing the right intentions can help us stay positive and optimistic during the challenges fate can throw our way. Especially with the corona virus situation.

We focus on embracing what we can control and letting go of what they can't — a helpful approach when you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed. We frame everything in terms of what we can give to others, which can put obstacles in perspective. Dan and I just try to celebrate the joys of life whenever we can and keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.
I tell myself, never give up. Great things take time. Be patient.
Dan and I have family and friends that have vegetable gardens growing, and I must say they look very impressive. In continuing organic foods, today the topic is on ORGANIC GARDENING.

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.
Is the science and art of gardening by incorporating the entire landscape design and environment to improve and maximize the garden soil's health, structure, texture, as well as maximize the production and health of developing plants without using synthetic commercial fertilizers, pesticides, or fungicides."
When gardening you do not have to have a large area nor does it have to be outside. For the past year I have grown a small organic garden in my back porch.
Although it is not huge, I have managed to grow and eat some of the vegetables.
Organic foods have helped to heal me from cancer.

On Sunday, July 10, 2011, I blogged this article regarding tips on how to grow an organic garden.
Organic Gardening Tips
Vegetable gardening is a rewarding experience, because you end up with a delicious vegetable harvest at the end.
I was surprised when I got home from my treatment in Mexico to see how well my garden was doing. I wanted to show that even in the smallest spaces and different climates you can be successful in having an organic garden. I have posted some great tips to grow a healthy and rewarding garden.

Garden Planning
A successful vegetable garden starts out with a plan. Planning your garden is one of the most important parts of vegetable gardening, and it's quite simple.
1. Decide what you want to grow.
2. Determine how much space you have.
3. Take a sheet of paper and draw a small-scale model of your garden plot, and decide where the vegetables will go.
4. You can determine the proper distance between seeds and between rows on most seed packets.

Why not complement your organic yard by growing organic vegetables and herbs?
Just imagine treating your taste buds to nature's own food. What do you like?
Tomatoes and potatoes, cucumbers in large numbers, peas and peppers, thyme at the right time?
If you have a small yard, you can use containers for your vegetables and herbs.
Containers can be found in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. You will undoubtedly be able find just the right containers for your needs.
Companion Planting
You probably already have a place in mind for a vegetable plot. Perhaps your herbs will have their own little section of the plot, or even a plot of their own. If you are thinking about container gardening, you probably plan to plant rosemary in one container and thyme in another. This sounds great, but there is a better way. It is called companion planting.

Companion planting is another way of working with nature. Some dissimilar plants have developed a symbiotic relationship-they help each other survive. Of course, plants that have a similar pH should be planted together, but many symbiotic plant relationships go much farther than ph.
The most famous symbiotic relationships are 'Carrots Love Tomatoes' and 'Roses Love Garlic,' both titles of books written by Louise Riotte. There are many other plant relationships that you can use to enhance the beauty and health of your organic yard. Symbiotic relationships are not limited to vegetables liking vegetables, but include relationships between many different plants. You can use these relationships to enhance your vegetables and herbs, as well as other plants in your yard. Your imagination is your only limit.
Types of Companion Plant relationships
There are several kinds of plant relationships that you can use. Understanding them will help you to choose the best companion choices for your yard.

Nitrogen Fixation
Although atmospheric nitrogen (N2) makes up nearly 80% of our air, plants cannot use nitrogen in the N2 form. N2 is considered an inert gas because it is very stable-it is composed of two nitrogen molecules that are held together by a triple bond. Plants need ammonia, which is nitrogen combined with hydrogen (NH3), in order to manufacture amino acids, proteins, and other essentials. However, they are unable to break the N2 bond without help.
Legumes and rye are well known for their ability to 'fix' nitrogen. Actually, they both have a symbiotic relationship with various strains of Rhizobium bacteria.
Rhizobium bacteria attaches itself to the roots of host plants and absorbs both nitrogen and hydrogen (NH2) from air in the soil and uses some of the plant's energy (carbohydrates) to change it to ammonia (NH3). The plant absorbs the NH3 and converts it to NH4 (ammonium nitrate). Ammonium nitrate is a fertilizer for the plant. Both the bacteria and plant benefit from the trade-off.
If you plant oxygen-fixing legumes, such as beans or peas, near nitrogen loving members of the cabbage family, such as broccoli and kale, the cabbage family and legume family will both smiles.
Repelling pests and Attracting Help
Some plants emit chemicals from their roots or leaves, called allelochemicals, which repel pests. As an example, tomatoes repel caterpillars from diamondback moths, which like to use cabbage leaves for food.

Other plants attract insects that prey on pests that would otherwise damage nearby plants. As an example, beans attract insects that eat corn pests, such as leaf beetles. You can learn a lot more about how to fight specific pests organically at the Organic Pest Control web site.
Space and Other Factors
Plants that need partial shade often grow best in the shade of a larger plant or bush. As an example, spider flowers (cleome) can provide the partial shade that lettuce prefers. Sometimes a row of sturdy plants can protect weaker plants from wind damage.

Root depths vary from one plant to another. You can take advantage of this difference to grow more vegetables in a given area. As an example, by planting shallow-rooted onions in close proximity to deep-rooted carrots, you can grow more of each in your vegetable garden.
The Unexplained
When basil is planted in close proximity to tomatoes, both grow very well. This is a beneficial relationship that hasn't been explained.
Another similar relationship is between climbing beans, corn, and squash. When the three grow together, they are all happy, but know one knows exactly why.
Passion first and everything will fall into place.
Also, another article about 28 Gardening tips to maximize your harvest.
By Barbara Pleasant
April/May 2011

1. Grow High-Value Crops. “Value” is subjective, though growing things that would be costly to buy makes good sense, provided the crops are well-suited to your climate. But value can also be about flavor, which may mean earmarking space for your favorite tomato varieties and fresh herbs first, and then considering how much money you could save by growing other crops at home.

2. Start Early, End Late. Use cloches, cold frames, tunnels and other season-stretching devices to move your spring salad season up by a month or more. In fall, use row covers to protect fall crops from frost and deer while extending the harvest season for a wide assortment of cold-tolerant greens and root crops.

3. Grow the “Shoulder Season” Fruits. You can usually pick and stash June-bearing strawberries and early raspberries in the freezer before your garden’s vegetables take over your kitchen. Raspberries that bear in the fall and late-ripening apples are also less likely to compete with summer-ripening vegetables for your food preservation time.

4. Emphasize What Grows Well for You. Crops that are easy to grow in one climate or soil type may be huge challenges in others, so aim to repeat your successes. For example, my carrots are seldom spectacular but my beets are robust, so I keep carrot plantings small and grow as many beets as my family can eat. When you find vegetables that excel in your garden, growing as much of them as your family can eat will take you a huge step closer to food self-sufficiency. And don’t overlook the wisdom of your gardening neighbors.

5. Grow Good Things to Drink. In addition to growing what you eat, try growing tasty beverages. I allow rampant apple mint to cover a hillside because it’s such a great tea plant, and rhubarb stalk tea makes a tart substitute for lemonade.
Freeze or can the juices of berries and tree fruits, or make them into soda, hard cider or wine. These days, well-made apple, blueberry or strawberry wines start at $12 a bottle, so learning how to make your own can yield huge dividends.

6. Plant Perennials. Edible plants that come back year after year save planting time, and maintenance is usually limited to annual weeding, fertilizing and mulching. Asparagus and rhubarb thrive where winters are cold, sorrel is a terrific perennial salad green, Jerusalem artichokes and horseradish grow almost anywhere, and gardeners in climates with mild winters can grow bunching onions or even bamboo shoots as perennial garden crops.

7. Choose High-Yielding Crops and Varieties. Few things are more disappointing than nurturing a tomato plant for three months only to harvest three fruits from it. Don’t let this happen to you! Network with local gardeners to find varieties known to grow well in your area, or see our list of the best regional varieties, and give them a try. Keep your mind open to classic, traditionally bred hybrids as well as superior open-pollinated varieties. With sweet peppers, for example, many gardeners need the disease resistance and fast maturation of hybrid varieties to make a good crop. The opposite is true with beans, lettuce, peas, winter squash and many other vegetables that don’t require hybridization to make them more productive.

8. Include Essential Kitchen Herbs. When we conducted our online mega-survey of the best garden crops, many gardeners told us about the rewards of growing culinary herbs such as basil, dill, mint and parsley, which are easy to grow yet pricey to buy.
9. Don’t Grow Too Much of One Thing. Last year, some friends who hadn’t gardened in a while proudly told me they had spent the weekend planting 50 tomato and pepper plants. Wow! At my house, 14 tomato plants and 10 peppers give the two of us a year’s supply of canned, dried and frozen goodies — plus extra to give away. Growing more would be a waste of time, space and precious soil resources. Unless you sell at a farmer’s market stand, aim to grow only as much as you can use.
10. Try Something New Every Year. Part of the fun of gardening is discovering new things, and few of us have ever grown many edible crops worth trialing in our gardens. Keep in mind that you’ll need to try cool-season crops in both spring and fall before deciding whether they are garden-worthy. Some crops (or even varieties) that are duds if grown in spring may amaze you with their exuberance if grown in fall.
Use Space Efficiently

It’s a rare gardener who has as much fertile growing space as he or she would like, and most of us work limited-space gardens as intensively as we can. (Keep reading for tips on how to “Make the Most of Small or Shady Gardens.”) In gardens of any size, try the following tips to make prime use of every bed and row.
Hump Day🐪 happy Wednesday ✨There are those who give with joy and that joy is their 💓 rewards.
11. Plant in Blocks. According to Colorado State University Extension research, you can quadruple per-square-foot production of small kitchen vegetables such as lettuce, carrots and beets by planting them in blocks within wide beds rather than in rows. Block planting makes efficient use of space by keeping the spacing between plants tight and eliminating unnecessary pathways.

12. Try Vertical Gardening. When he moved from suburban Baltimore to a ground-floor condo in Albuquerque, N.M., lifelong organic gardener Ary Bruno went vertical to make the most of his limited space. By adding 3 to 4 inches of compost to his compact beds each spring, Bruno can grow trellised tomatoes, pole beans and cucumbers in his patio garden in summer, followed by greens in fall. Vertical growing can greatly increase your garden returns.

13. Interplant Compatible Crops. “When growing a summer crop such as tomatoes, I plant lettuce and spinach to grow in the shade of the taller plants,” says Bonnie White of Albany, Ore. “I also like growing a crop that takes a while, such as carrots, alongside a faster-growing crop such as radishes, which will be ready in only 30 days.” Find many more ideas for complementary crops in companion with vegetables and flowers.
14. Succession Sow for Steady Harvests. With lettuce, snap peas, sweet corn and other vegetables that mature like clockwork, make two sowings three weeks apart to lengthen your harvest season. Or, plant two varieties with different maturation times on the same day.
15. Use Seedlings to Run Tight Successions. Let’s say it’s June, and you want to replace bolting lettuce with summer squash. If you had thought ahead and started squash seeds in containers, you could pull out the lettuce, add some compost and plug in the squash, all in the same afternoon. Using seedlings tightens up the timing of succession planting (sometimes called “relay planting”), whether you’re replacing spring spinach with fall broccoli or following cucumbers with fall snow peas sprouted indoors.
16. Plant One New Edible Every Week. Eating squash every day can get old, but you won’t have that problem if your garden offers up small bites of unusual veggies, such as bok choy, bulb fennel, celeriac, escaroles, radicchio and white beets. I like to devote one wide row to “this-and-that” crops that I sow in small pinches.
Organizing the garden this way keeps these crops from getting lost and gives me a place to try unfamiliar veggies.
Smarter Garden Harvesting
Growing a great crop is only half of the story. As each crop comes in, you’ll still need to pick, cook or store your fresh veggies with a constant eye toward preserving flavor, nutrition and other good eating qualities.

17. Pick Things at Their Peak. Aim to harvest in the morning, which is when plants are plumped up with nutrients and moisture. Preserve the flavor and nutrition of leafy greens, root crops and many other vegetables by refrigerating them, but don’t chill storage onions, sweet potatoes, shallots or tomatoes.
18. Replant Roots and Root Cuttings. “A friend told me how her mother-in-law used to plant the rooted bottoms of plants,” says Germaine Jenkins of North Charleston, S.C. “This works great with green onions and leeks, giving you brand new veggies in three weeks or less.” In climates with long, warm summers, many gardeners root cuttings taken from tomatoes in early summer and grow them as an early fall crop.
19. Grow Cut-and-Come-Again Crops. Chard is the best example of a vegetable that bounces back each time you harvest a handful of stalks and leaves, and many other vegetables will make a second or third comeback if given a chance. If cut high, broccoli, cabbage and even bulb fennel will grow small secondary heads, and bush beans that you keep picked (harvesting gently, using two hands) will often produce three flushes of blossoms and pods. Look for cut-and-come-again lettuce varieties, too.

20. Pick Early and Often. Many garden vegetables get harvested when they are technically quite immature — budding heads of broccoli flowers, barely plump snap peas or tender, little summer squash. Harvesting early and often helps keep vegetable plants in reproduction mode longer, which in turn increases yields. In a study from the University of Idaho Extension comparing summer squash harvested daily as baby squash with the same varieties picked every two to three days, researchers gathered more than twice as many baby squashes from the more intensively harvested plants.
21. Use Free Fertilizers. Take advantage of free, nitrogen-rich fertilizers such as grass clippings and human urine. You can mulch crops with chemical-free grass clippings, or make a fertilizer tea by steeping clippings in water. Dilute 1-part urine with 20 parts water, and use the resulting tea in the garden and to feed seedlings. For more information and liquid fertilizer recipes, check out Free, Homemade Liquid Fertilizers.

22. Save Seeds. Saving at least some of your own seeds will definitely mean spending less money on your garden each year, plus you’ll enjoy the convenience of always having a ready supply of plant able seeds on hand. Start with superior open-pollinated varieties, and work with vegetables that are typically harvested when dead-ripe, such as dry beans, melons, tomatoes and winter squash.
23. Weed Early and Often. Most garden crops require weeding at least three times: Plan to weed five to seven days after sowing or transplanting, again seven to 10 days later, and a third time three to four weeks after the crop has been planted.
By that time, the plants should be big enough to mulch and should have plenty of leaves to shade the soil’s surface.
24. Make and Use Your Own Compost. You may still need to buy high-quality organic compost, but make a habit of piling together pulled plants, leaves, tattered mulches and other organic materials to create rich compost for free. Additionally, use an enclosed composter or a worm compost bin to capture your kitchen garbage.
25. Grow Your Own Mulch. If you run out of leaves and grass clippings before your garden has been adequately mulched, consider adding sorghum, an annual summer grain, or a sorghum-sudan grass hybrid (also called “sudex”) to your midsummer planting plans. These crops can grow to 6 feet high or more in 65 days, and the huge plants make great mulch if pulled or cut down before they set seed.

The State of Organic Seed
26. Naturalize with Useful Plants. Last year, after we ran a story on self-seeding crops, many readers wrote to tell us about their perpetual plantings of pumpkins and winter squash. If allowed to grow in compost piles located along a fence, butternuts and other Curbita moschata varieties make themselves so at home that they become a permanent garden feature without any work from the gardener. Of the 34 easy, self-seeding crops we named, calendula, cilantro, pumpkins and winter squash received the most fan mail.

27. Use the Right Tools. You can create a garden using only a shovel, but the work will be much more efficient and enjoyable if you use tools that fit you and your garden. Long-handled spades and hoes that you can use standing up are best if your garden is big, but consider short-handled tools if you work in small raised beds. Whichever style you use, keeping a sharp edge on all of your spades and hoes will always make them work better. If you’re a female gardener and find that the size, grip and design of garden tools you’ve tried in the past don’t fit you well, Green Heron Tools sells cool gardening tools designed specifically for women.

28. Water as Efficiently as You Can. Water is a precious resource everywhere, and no gardener can afford to waste it.
For watering summer crops such as okra, peppers, sweet corn and tomatoes, mulches and soaker hoses are extremely helpful. You can also capture water in rain barrels and route to garden beds using perforated soaker hoses. Learn more about wise watering.
Plan to Stock Up
Part of maximizing garden returns is being diligent about using everything you grow, and because many crops ripen in large flushes, home food preservation is the best way to make sure nothing goes to waste. Like growing a garden, food preservation is a skill best learned over several seasons as you try different recipes and methods. Even if you buy seasonal produce from local organic farmers instead of growing it yourself, you can take control of more of your food supply by preserving.
With all that information, you can have an awesome organic garden.

Wanted to make something different for brunch the other day. How about a cucumber sandwich with lox.🥒 check out the ingredients in a blog this week🎣
Very simple for brunch or lunch -
Ingredients: a cucumber, lox, an avocado, an onion, spices and a tomato.

Make it your own, by using your imagination and using colorful vegetables for filling.
Peel one cucumber per person and cut in half.
Then cut long ways and scrape out the seeds.
Keep the seeds for a salad.
spread some avocado on both sides.
Add onions and spices.
Then add tomato's and the lox's.
Presto, a fast gluten free sandwich without bread.
You know me, I like to add other items to my dish! How about home fries and a salad with the cucumber seeds.
Until tomorrow, focus on your goal. Don’t look in any direction but ahead.
