Good Day Tuesday,
Hello, today is the last day of March, the 31st, 2020, what are you doing?

Dan and I have a conference call with our financial adviser. With the way of uncertainty in the world today, it will be interesting on what he may say.
But, for right now, I’m going to focus on some memories of good times. As you first walk in, my front door I have a picture of my daughter Danielle and our Buddy. We brought Buddy home when Danielle was nine. Dan thought that this would teach our daughter responsibility walking, feeding and playing with him. I knew that this would not work and it will be mostly me to feed and walk Buddy.

I went with it and Buddy was part of our family for fourteen years. The love we had, when we came home from work; especially Dan. Buddy would sit on his own recliner that was in front of the front window, waiting for us to come home. The personality, would come out with excitement when we came home from work. Those were the memories that will last forever.

What memories do you have of your pets (family)?

Another, priceless gift that I keep up in the hall way is this saying:
May your trouble be less
And your blessings be more
And nothing but happiness come through your door.
These priceless treasures are just items, but are things that make me happy. Not long ago I had a conversation with my mom, she said that she knows that she had a lot of items (memories) in her home – but they make me happy. After, the talk I thought; yes, that is part of why we are here. If you can’t be happy, how can you make someone else happy.
For me, it’s the memories. Even though I live for the day and future, I love to look back and remember the happy times that I have spent with my family. Through, gifts and things that represent the past; so, to me that is why I’m where I am today. Through these uncertain times, I can sit in my home and be grateful for how precious life is and look for what ever today and the future will bring.
Change, has always been. The first time I faced uncertainly was when I was sixteen. My family’s lives changed forever, when my father died and then when I found out I had cancer nine years ago. Life does not stop, its just how you move through it. I have been through a lot of change, but through it all I have the love of life.
Dan and I keep busy by reading, exercising by walking, blogging and editing, cooking and cleaning, meditating and keeping God in our lives. Living in the modern world, we have been ordering on line, so we don’t have to go to the grocery store that often.
What aspects of work are you grateful for?
A poem I wrote in 2011 that I would like to dedicate to all the people on the front line of this virus.
You have
Created from
Your mind a wonderful
Tool to heal the world
From sickness and despair.
You have shown me what life
Can be.
With just your heart you have
Given the compassion of
A lifetime.

Last, yesterday I tried something new for brunch. I never thought of making vegetable pancakes. I was talking to my mom and she didn’t know if she would like it, for, they would not be sweet. Well, they did turn out good and Dan loved them. Another part of our menu for the future.

Healthier Pancakes
All my recipes are about color and creation for each to make to your liking. The ingredients are flexible depending on your needs and your imagination. Of course, you would need to start with pancake mix and the normal ingredients to make pancakes. Then cut up what ever vegetables you have at the time. Sauté them in a little bit of olive oil and then add some of them in the pancake mix. When they are done, add the remainder of the vegetables on top. If you like you can make a gravy to pore over.

Until tomorrow, do something different. For Dan and I our daughter bought us a Bucs puzzle. I think we can start it on March 31, 2020 the last day of March.
