In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.
Hello Followers,
Are you ready to start Thursday? Rise and shine! As I open up the shades to let some sunshine in, over yonder I see the Blue Ridge Mountains. They surround us, for we are in the valley.

I’ve always been fascinated with mountains: admiring their beauty. I was raised in Florida; sure, I was surrounded by beaches; but no mountains. However, Dan grew up near the Catskills and didn’t mind moving around the Blue Ridge Mountains. A matter of fact, he was ready for a change with all four seasons. The area where Dan and I lived in Mexico for six years was kind of like the mountains of Virginia and we also lived in the valley.

For me, getting into the mountains and nature itself teaches me about what is important in life, and what I can live without. When all you can carry are your necessities, you realize how the extra stuff just weighs you down.
Even our legendary heroes lived among mountains. The challenges we face climbing them, their role in nature, is similar to their symbol for life such as: our journey, struggles, and triumphs.

Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing. – Barry Finlay
ENJOYING GODS’ COUNTRY, this goes back to Aug 23, 2012. I knew then how much I loved being among the mountains.
Relaxing is what the doctor ordered for my healing process. What can be a better place to relax and be up high with the clouds and nature, but in the Catskill Mountains of New York and the wild of Maine? We visited relatives and have been able to experience the real true nature that was given to us to enjoy. From the pure joy of the mountains to nature's adventure, we have it all up here. The breath of healing the pure air longs over me with enjoyment and pleasure. The roads wind through the mountains while the wild creatures of nature are larking in our every move.
This is God’s country here with peace and wonder of the beauty that we were given to enjoy and experience.
Mountains know secrets we need to learn. That it might take time, it might be hard, but if you just hold on long enough, you will find the strength to rise up. #mountains #secrets #learn #hard #enough #strength #riseup #inspirational #motivational
I am in a dream, not knowing when I am going to awake up, I would love to continue this dream and never leave the place that I am at. I have taken pictures of the surroundings that I have crossed through the adventure that I have experienced. Who said that just because one has cancer or had cancer that they cannot enjoy the world around us? It is a small world and one needs to experience what we have to enjoy and it is free to see, although it takes a little bit of money to get to them. Take the time to smell the roses. The pictures speak for the pleasure that I have been experiencing the past week.

Every goal that has ever been reached began with just one step and the belief that it could be attained.
Dreams really can come true, but they are most often the results of hard work, determination and persistence.
When the end of the journey seems impossible to reach, all you need to do is take one more step.
Stay focused on your goal and remember that each small step will bring you a little closer.
When the road becomes hard to travel and it feels as if you’ll never reached the end.
Look deep inside your heart and you will find strength you never knew you had. By Jason Blume

Remember if you have plans you want to act on and dreams you’ve always wanted to come true.
You have what it takes, because you have you. By Douglas Pagels
Tomorrow, I will be starting on a new series, QUOTES ABOUT LIVING.
Living among the mountains, gives Dan and I a great opportunity to do some walking around nature. Almost every day we take off to a park and explore the surroundings. Don’t worry, As I experience the beauty; I will share through pictures with you all.

Did you do your walking? I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and house hold chores!!! Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out.
They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!

Also, meditation videos, to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on . Again, they are no more than 10 to 20 mins and they are guided meditations.

We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog and on the right-hand side are hash # tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!

With social media comes the constant chatter of other people’s voices. Whether it’s what they’re wearing, eating or drinking, too much information can overload us and make us feel exhausted.
There’s often no space for your own thoughts and feelings. By not checking in constantly with others, you’ll find yourself more satisfied with your own choices, even if lunch is only a cheese sandwich.

As I continue to be re-reading my book that I wrote four years ago; it’s a personal journey of my everyday experience with treatments that I received in Mexico. In relations to the current series of BELIEVING, 1-30-12; NATURE.
Nature comes alive when the wind speaks to the trees with a whisper of peace.
Through this sound we relate to the living plants and animals of nature to give birth to happiness.
We stand by with the echoing of our souls with a smile and give thanks to all the art of color around us.
Imagine the conversation that surrounds us and touch the thoughts of beauty that is in front of us.
Nature is God’s gift to us, and it gives us a sense of joy and calm.
We create the relationship of friendship through nature, and understand the ways it fits into our planet during the changes but take place.
Through your imagination, meditate on the beauty of the nature of colors around you.
Through nature I was healed.

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs. Today for you ladies out there, I will share the recipe of LAVENDER AND CLAY FACIAL.
These three simple ingredients combine to create a luxurious facial spa experience without only strange additives. Practically any cosmetic clay will work. There is French green clay, kaolin, and bentonite clay.

Hydrosols are a by product of essential oil creation. When plants are steam-distilled, the oils are extracted and the water from the steam becomes the hydrosol, which has picked up unique properties from the plant. Plain water can also be used in place of the lavender hydrosol.
1 tablespoon lavender flowers
2 tablespoons cosmetic clay
Lavender hydrosol

1. Powder lavender flowers and mix together with the clay.
2. Add small amounts of lavender hydrosol slowly, stirring and checking the consistency after every addition.
3. You want the end product to be a thick paste that spreads easy.
4. Spread the mixture on clean skin. Cover your face as well as your neck.
5. If desired let sit until the mixture dries – about 15 minutes (depending the thickness).
6. Rinse the mask off with warm water and pat dry.

Until Friday, mountains know secrets we need to learn. That it might take time, it might be hard, but if you just hold on long enough, you will find the strength to rise up. Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.