It is better to have a meaningful life and have influence than to merely have a long life.
Hello followers,
Good morning, Tuesday-

As I start this day, a thought came over me.
It would not be long till Dan, and I visit with our daughter and grandkids.
Looking forward to hugging and playing with them in person.
This facetime is great, but different from being there in person.
It will be the first time interacting with our granddaughter.

Since this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, every post this week; I will share something that I have written in the past that has to do with this very topic.

As I turn through the pages of my past year, I have gained spiritually as well as mentally and physically from the experiences of cancer.
I have gained a lot of knowledge through incredible top-rated people and through this sharing with others; the hope and comfort it brought me.

Cancer can be controlled, but you need to treat it with respect.
You need to know what you are dealing with and how to treat it daily.
Its learning how to reorganize what is important to our bodies and lives we lead.
As I close the last chapter of this book, I will let you on a secret!
It is your choice, and you need to take control of the issue do not leave it up to others to make the decisions for you.

I started with a program that enhanced the quality of my life by first changing the way I ate and drank.
I learned ways to meditate to release stress and made time to exercise.
It is those important steps that maintain hope of never seeing cancer again.
We need to stand up to what is affecting us, the environment and face the final curtain by thinking creatively and realizing what we are working with.
I will continue to manage my cancer and help any others that are going through it with the support of my heart.

I am a survivor of knowledge and not of cancer.
I will not let it control my body and mind.
Individually we are a drop, but together we can create an ocean, let us start now ~ it is your choice.
Courage is standing face to face with fear... and smiling at it!

So, let us continue the series, what is the meaning of life?
In combining our physical and mental functions, we can control our bodies and keep them healthy.
It took me a long time to realize this for myself.
Hopefully, this will help you, our followers.

The last two weeks we posted on, self-empowerment, self-control, renewable vitality, emotion mastery, conscious communication along with smart focus, learning & adaptability, and constructive thinking.
Simple Ways to Find Out What Life is About-

Today, we will explore the nineth one, Try to Be More Aware.
Finally, we have one last, gigantic call to action; Be more aware.
If a person can truly foster the ability to pay attention to everything around them, they develop the ability to break free from the self-centered mindset that all humans naturally slip into when we are not paying attention.
Just to clarify, this is not a call not to pay attention to your own thoughts and needs.
They are important too.

In fact, the Dalai Lama said, one must be compassionate to oneself before external compassion.
Whether it is us at first or others afterward, truly developing the ability to be aware of and empathize with the life that goes on in and around us is a critical part of understanding just why we are all alive in the first place.

OCTOBER 4th, Dan, and I thought on continuing this segment with the series with some fun; What is it about October that is so significant during this month?
National Taco Day – October 4, 2022

Reminiscing of the days living in Mexico.
This goes out to all the wonderful people we meant and cherish from Mexico.
And yes, tacos can be extremely healthy for you!
Consider National Taco Day, October 4 every year, a concentrated and intensified version of the Taco Tuesdays; many restaurants offer in a bid to bring in Happy Hour-like crowds.
Come to think of it, to further whet your appetite for the subject, get this; the phrase Taco Tuesday was trademarked across the country in 1989 by a Wyoming-based fast-food chain called Taco John’s.

Except in New Jersey, where the trademark had already been claimed by Gregory’s Restaurant & Bar back in ‘eighty-two.
However, nobody needs to worry about the legality of what their dinner is called.
On National Taco Day, we only need to grab some tortillas and stuff them with savory fillings, from the traditional carne asada, cheese, tomato, lettuce, and sour cream, to more exotic gustatory delights like fish, chorizo, even tongue, to name only a few of the meat component alternatives.
Even the word stuff is no accident; many believe that the word taco derives from the Spanish ataco, meaning to stuff.

There are some previous mentions of Taco Day being celebrated on May 3, but that is no longer the case.
In Mexico, Día del Taco (Day of the Taco) is celebrated on March 31.
The anthropologist and historian Arturo Warman (1937 — 2003) specialized in prehistoric Mexican culture for much of his career and was cited as saying that it was the Aztecs and Mayans who hybridized wild grasses beginning around 3,000 BC to produce the large, nutritious kernels we now know as corn.
At National Today, we feel fine marking that time as the true beginning of the taco as a foodstuff, because the corn tortilla became such a versatile part of Mexican cuisine so quickly, spreading everywhere and only increasing in the number of its aficionados, some of whose descendants are of course the taco-loving foodies of today.

We are not sure if the calendar day was October 4 that conquistador Hernando Cortez mentioned the native flatbread Tlaxcala in a letter to Spain’s King Charles V, but the year was 1520 and it was then that Cortez and his fellows dubbed the food tortilla.
From that point forward, it was inevitable that advances in both culinary science and communications would bring the taco exploding onto dining-room tables across the globe.
By 1914, Californian cookbooks had begun to include taco recipes.

In the following decades, the taco has fully lived up to its definition and became nearly ubiquitous.
Time is precious and is priceless, so Dan and I will continue each day to pull from a box of 365 inspirational quotes; one quote and share with you.

Today is:
Today Dan and I will be continuing the book, Ten-Minute Relaxation, For Mind and Body by Jennie Harding.

Whenever you are feeling under pressure, ten minutes is all you need to relax totally, using tools that are always with you; your senses.
This book is packed full of wonderfully simple ideas and exercises for using sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch and that vital sixth sense of intuition to rebalance your energies and bring you back into harmony with the natural world around you.

Identify your favorite sensory relaxation solutions and combat that stress!
Per Dan and my experience this is another component in keeping ourselves healthy, meditation.
By using your five senses, you can learn to relax in just ten minutes.

For thousands of years, humans have been using fresh and dried leaves, seeds, roots, and berries to add flavor to food.
Many of the common herbs and spices are key ingredients in herbal medicine; their medicinal use tends to call for larger amounts than would be used in food flavoring.

Yet cooking with these natural flavoring ingredients is greatly beneficial to our digestion.
In India, for example, dishes of rice, pulses, starchy vegetables, and meat are supplemented with cloves, cumin, ginger, coriander, or turmeric.
All of which reduce intestinal gas and improve the absorption of the food.
Continue tomorrow-

As I ponder over all that I have learned, I have come to find that we all have our own blueprint.
Our bodies are precious and there are many components in taking care of them.
Throughout the blog, Dan and I have related the separate ways through body, heart, and soul.
It is all about power of knowledge and learning to take care of yourself, keeping your cells happy.
Our immune system is one of the key factors in keeping healthy.
It is important to know how it works!

Germs and Viruses????
Continuing from yesterday, where do these bacteria come from?
Answer: they have been in the body all the time but in a different form which is harmless.
They are the bacteria Mucor racemosus fresen which, as stated by Dr Enderlein and Dr von Brehmer, change in form according to the state of the milieu interieur, from its harmless, symbiotic stage through several other stages (which are reversible) to become pathogenic and finally tissue destructive.

In this final phase the bacteria, now resembling a fungus, is most pathogenic, and on the unwashed hands of the doctors from the dissecting room were a lethal threat to anyone susceptible to them.
But not every woman in Semmelweis' maternity section was susceptible, and even at the worst time, eighty-two out of a hundred escaped the deadly puerperal sepsis.
Many hundreds of people in Lambeth died of cholera in the cholera epidemic; they were the susceptible ones, the unsusceptible =ones escaped.
Maybe a better illustration of susceptibility and non-susceptibility is given by Sir Albert Howard in his book The Role of Insects and Fungi in Agriculture.

In the livestock industry, foot and mouth disease is considered so deadly that entire herds are destroyed and burned once the disease appears in any of the animals to prevent it spreading to other farms.
But Sir Albert had this to say; For twenty-one year’s [1910-31] I was able to study the reaction of well-fed animals to epidemic diseases, such as rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, septicemia and so forth, which frequently devastated the countryside.
None of my animals were segregated, none were inoculated; they frequently encountered diseased stock.
No case of infectious disease occurred.

The reward of well-nourished protoplasm was an extremely high degree of disease resistance, which might even be described as immunity.
In his book Soil, Grass, and Cancer (Crosby Lockwood, London, 1959), French author Andre Voisin, biochemist, and agriculturist, demonstrated how health and disease are related to the soil via the nutritional quality of the crops produced thereon.
Regarding foot and mouth disease in cattle, Voisin quoted German and French data showing the disease hardly ever occurred in granite and sandy regions, but that sometimes in soils high in lime it affected up to eighty per cent of animals.
The susceptibility to the disease Voisin ascribed to copper deficiency, which prevented the animals producing enough catalase, the predominant protective enzyme of the immune system.
Continue tomorrow-

The PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
It is better to have a meaningful life and have influence than to merely have a long life. #itisbetter#tohave#meaningfullife#influence#merely#longlife#inspirational#motivational

Until Wednesday, believe in yourself, take on your challenges,
dig deep within yourself to conquer fears.
Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.