It takes two people to make a lie work; the person who tells it, and the one who believes it.
Dear followers,
It’s Tuesday and I’m a little behind in my thoughts to write down for the blog this morning. I asked Dan to get me up earlier then normal, for before he can edit the piece for today, I have to compose it.

So, I trusted him to get me up early and have coffee ready for me. The title for this piece, works for how I feel today. By the way, Dan did not disappoint me, he got me up real early. Perhaps it was because he knows he would have to edit the post today and didn’t want to be rushed into it.

Either way, I’m very blessed to have him as my editor, hubby and soul mate.
Building trust is a two-way process, it is important to trust and equally important to be trusted.
That requires mutual effort and commitment. Before building trust, you need to understand each other’s expectations and what trust means to you. There are some ways to build trust in your relationship!

Continuing on the third way is earn your trust. Trust is not readily available in any relationship.
You need to earn it by taking care of your behavior and actions.
The fourth way is be exemplary. Behave the way you want your partner to be. It’s as simple as that. Be truthful, responsible, faithful, caring, and honest; all these will influence your partner to reciprocate.

The fifth way is listening actively. When your partner is talking to you, listen actively and without judging. They will also listen to you when you talk. This habit lays the foundation for establishing trust.
The sixth way is keeping your promises. When you make a promise make sure you stick to it. Don’t make promises just for the sake of keeping your partner happy because breaking a promise is one the easiest ways to breach trust.
The seventh way is showing interest. Know your partner’s tastes and hobbies. Show your genuine interest by being inquisitive, ask questions, and learn from them. If your partner gets the vibes of your sincerity, you will earn their trust.

The eighth way is being empathetic. Empathize with your partner, understand and fulfill their needs. Try to understand their problem by putting yourself in their shoes. That can help you gain a perspective and build trust.
The ninth way is communicating transparently. Talk openly and honestly and make sure that you discuss important things in person instead of texting or talking on the phone. Messages can be misinterpreted. Talking face-to-face is easier as you can understand each other’s intentions, emotions, and body language. Effective communication is an important element in building trust.
The tenth way is resolve rifts. Address the conflicts quickly as and when they arise. Don’t brush them under the carpet and let them pile up. Resolve them and move on.

The eleventh way is clear your doubts. If you have any doubts in your relationship talk to your partner about them instead of hesitating to ask them.
The twelfth way is Keeping secrets. Keep your private space private. Guard your secrets and don’t let outsiders intrude.
The thirteenth way is judging less, but love more. Don’t criticize or judge your partner. Instead, put forth your opinions in a constructive way with the intention of helping your partner grow.
Respect each other’s differences without judging.
The fourteenth way is support each other. Being supportive is a given in any relationship. When you support your partner, they would want to try new things and are not hesitant to take up risks because they know that they can fall back on you for support.

Trust can, sometimes, blind the person and pave the way for betrayal. But if you still want to be in the relationship or do not want to lose your partner then it is never too late to rebuild trust.
Tomorrow I will be blogging on repairing trust in a relationship. And yes, tomorrow will be the last day I will be posting on trust. On Thursday, I’ll be starting on APPRECIATION.

Always assume people cannot understand your perspective and feelings unless you’ve explained them. What is so clear from when you stand may be completely invisible from a different perspective.

If you do explain and they still don’t get it or just don’t care, it doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your time. It just means you now know for sure that if you value being understood or considered, this isn’t a person who can do those things very well, if even at all.
If you are interested in reading Dan’s and My Journey Through Cancer without Surgery, Chemo or Radiation, just click on the books for more information:
MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer

CONTINUING THE SERIES ON HOW SAFE IS MEXICO? Dan and I grabbed an opportunity nine years ago, when we took on the adventure and moved to Mexico. Back then, we didn’t know what to expect, except that both of us were alive and ready for a change. We had been going to Tijuana for cancer treatments and knew somewhat what we were heading into. We ended up living in the center of the country however; better for travel purposes and it was nothing like what we had thought about. To this date, we are back in the states living in Virginia and what we took from Mexico was friendships, culture and understanding of their ways of life.
Through thousands of pictures that I took, Dan and I are showing how safe Mexico is. There is a saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’; this is so true! A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a lot of written words.
"Chinese proverb. One picture is worth ten thousand words."
So, we will be posting a gallery of pictures on each post, hopefully you will see each one has a story. CLICK THROUGH THE SLIDE SHOW AND ENJOY!
This is where we continue on the book: LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown. Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy. A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.
For more information click on book

Enough is enough. To often we are sucked in, and if we do not understand our predicament and options, especially when the pressure is on, we remain in a sense of disequilibrium.
We may not appear to be affected by our experience but in reality, we’ve changed. Our song is lost as we swing back and forth on our perch, going nowhere.
Tomorrow, recognizing the problem.

This is the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs. Continuing on the health benefits on PEPPERMINT. You might be surprised!
Peppermint promotes hair growth. Peppermint oil gives a tingling sensation when massaged onto the scalp which means that the oil is working at balancing the pH levels. This helps to neutralize the effect of excessive oil production. Thus, it reduces the hair greasiness. This stimulates hair follicles and increases blood circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth.

Also, peppermint hydrates hair follicles. Peppermint hydrates the hair follicles from within to give you smooth, shiny and soft hair. Rub a few drops of peppermint oil on your hands and smooth it through the hair. Moreover, peppermint oil is non-greasy and will leave your hair pleasantly scented. It can also be used with hair straightening tools as a hair protecting serum.

Peppermint oil acts as an effective hair tonic when mixed with other essential oils like tea tree oil, coconut oil, castor oil and even Vitamin E oil.
Tomorrow I’ll post more peppermint benefits

THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal and keep your body cells happy.
As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).

Yesterday Dan and I decided to explore another park that we had visited during the winter. Salem Park. It was connected to the Greenway and the path was along the river. Enjoyed the sound of the water and peaceful shady areas along the way. 🏞️
I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and household chores!!!
Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out. They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!
Also, meditation videos, help to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on Again, they are no more than 10 to 20 mins and they are guided meditations.
Let Go and TRUST the UNIVERSE Meditation (10 Minutes)
This let go and trust the universe meditation (10 Minutes) will help you to trust the universe using the law of attraction. Receive enlightenment and intentional living with this letting go guided meditation. If you have a hard time with surrender, take 10 minutes out of your day and enjoy this mindfulness meditation so that you can continue on your spiritual path.
“Surrender is a gift that you can give yourself. It’s an act of faith. It’s saying that even though I can’t see where this river is flowing, I trust it will take me in the right direction.” ~ Debbie Ford
We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog and on the right-hand side are hash # tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!
It takes two people to make a lie work: the person who tells it, and the one who believes it.
Until Wednesday, trust only Movement. Life happens at the level of events, not words. Don’t trust words, always trust actions. There is this saying that I learned as a teenager, actions speaks louder then words.

Dan and I highly recommend the books that I have been blogging, for they are uplifting or knowledgeable in keeping healthy.
QUOTES ABOUT LIVING from the Happiness in Your Life Book Series
ALCHEMY OF HERBS; Transform Everyday Ingredients into Foods and Remedies That Heal
THE JOY OF MISSING OUT; #JOMO - How to Embrace Solitude and Shun FOMO for Good
