July 16, 2024
Hello followers,
Welcome to Tuesday!

We do not have tomorrow yet.
All we have is this moment.
And what are you going to do with it?
Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for your life to begin and start making the most of the moment you are in.
Spending time alone can be difficult to understand.
There are experiences where we are totally alone, yet never feel lonely.
We may have also had your loneliest moments when surrounded by other people.
An important note to make is that it is possible to be alone without feeling alone.
Many people, including renowned thinkers and achievers, have enjoyed the solace of time to themselves.
Although too much time alone can be isolating, sometimes it can help us regain focus and clarity.
We may even get to know ourselves better when we are all we have.
Loneliness is an emotion we all must face in life, but there is a positive side to it.
Sometimes spending time by ourselves can be good for us!
We get a chance to know ourselves better, center our thoughts, and think about what and who really matters to us.
So next time you feel alone, remember you are still with good company and take advantage of that.
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This year’s affirmations are from the book- Everyday Affirmations
365 Mantras for happiness, strength, and peace.
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Dan and I highly recommend you check it out.
Let Everyday Affirmations be your go-to for a moment of stillness, gentleness, and generosity for a year full of happiness, strength, and peace.
July 16th
The company we keep shapes us and makes us who we are.
So, what is the impact of keeping company with yourself?
It is so important that we be comfortable and joyful in our company, alone with ourselves.
Loneliness happens to all of us, but we can find ease and comfort in being alone.
Our friendships can shape us, but ultimately who we are is a product of the choices we make inside our own heads when we keep our own counsel.
Do you enjoy spending time with yourself?
Can you cultivate that joy the way you would in the company of friends?
PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
This10-minute guided meditation is designed to help individuals who are feeling disconnected or lonely by providing a sense of calm and comfort.
By bringing attention to the feeling of disconnection or loneliness, meditation helps the listener to shift their focus from a negative emotion to a positive one.
The light represents a sense of connection and belonging, which can help to ease the feeling of disconnection or loneliness and bring a sense of warmth and connection.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Dan and I welcome you to go to the tag words and explore our posts.
Until Wednesday, loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it.
The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow.
Never expect to outgrow loneliness.