Leaves are falling, Autumn is calling.
Hello Followers,
It is Sunday!
Are we ready for the holidays to begin?

Few things in life bring more joy than the arrival of fall, so why not celebrate it with a sign.
As the heat of summer retreats, you start to see the first hints of autumn.
The smoky smell of backyard bonfires, the whisper of wind through the trees, and, of course, the leaves turning.
This delight for the senses may be why autumn inspires so many of us to create a cozy atmosphere in our homes.
Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.
There is relief in the release.
So, Dan and I welcome you to go to our YouTube site to enjoy and bring uplifting vibes to your day.
Also subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/@thejourneytogoodhealth4318/shorts
Continuing as in the previous posts; 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.
The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.
September 24th
IN TIMES OF SORROW, IT CAN BE EASIER to shield ourselves from the flood of emotion by pushing them aside.

When we grieve, we may not be aware of the gravity our emotions have if we do not allow the space and time to process them.
There is relief in the release.
Give yourself grace during such times and allow yourself to feel, to process, and to heal.
Feel the flood disperse by allowing the tears to flow.
Healing comes where flow occurs.

Seasons change and so do we.
Every flower will bloom at a different pace.
Basically, there is simply nothing to worry about because you yourself are the eternal energy of the universe.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
The only person you must please is yourself.
Confidence is directness and courage in meeting the facts of life.
Autumn, it carries more gold in its hand than all the other seasons.

PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong.
Dan and I have started back bouncing and walking to Walk at Home YouTube.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
A 10-minute guided meditation just in time for the autumn Equinox, a time for balance.
Happy Autumnal Equinox!
Use this autumn equinox meditation to help you find balance, release what you are ready to let go of, and harvest what you're welcoming into your life.

We wish you many autumn equinox blessings!
For us, that may be walking through a park, walking in a mall, or going to the gym and just staying home, bouncing, and walking to Walk at Home with YouTube.
This also includes daily meditation and twice a week Tai Chi.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Until Monday, the Leaves are falling, and my coffee is calling. Have blessed Fall Sunday.