It was a lovely weekend in Virginia, for the sun shined. As we did our normal walks, I felt the sun beaming across my face.

I hope everyone’s Mother’s Day was fabulous last Sunday! Mine was super, for I received a comforter on Saturday from my daughter that she designed. It’s now being sold at Target. At the end of the day we had a family zoom gathering. For Dan and I we’ve been hunkering down now for 56 days and keeping safe in our own safe space.

Speaking of safe space, my topic for today is life begins at the end of your comfort zone. The comfort zone is a safe space where we don’t risk, but neither do we grow. It’s not simply a physical space but a mental concept. It’s not limited to a secure cord we’ve built around us but includes both our daily routines and way of thinking. Therefore, it can become the perfect excuse not to do, not risk, not grow and, ultimately, not live.

Magical things happen outside the comfort zone, change and growth occur, but there is also the dreaded panic zone, so it’s important to find a right balance in life based on a deep knowledge of what is comfort zone and what we can find when we overcome its limits.
When I was diagnosed around 9 years ago, I decided to go out of my comfort zone and choose another method other then conventional medicine. This was truly the first step of my experience personally getting out of my safe space by going to Mexico.

I wrote a piece in my book THE JOURNEY OF COMPLETION, which I shared my journey of getting out of my safe zone.
The venture of the unknown starts. I am going to cross the border and stay in Mexico for three weeks. I don't know how to speak any Spanish. This will be a challenge, on top of being unable to swallow pills.
Welcome to Mexico! Today started very early, for Dan and I arrived at Tampa Airport around 9:00 a.m. and our plane did not leave until noon. We checked in and headed straight to Starbucks for coffee. We felt relaxed, though with some anxiety.
The airplane ride to Houston went smoothly. They brought a wheelchair to Dan, but the walker he had and the wheelchair were too big for the aisle. So, a representative stopped by with an aisle chair. When it finally came, we headed toward the plane and were the first to be seated. I enjoyed the royal treatment.
We were the last off the aircraft when we landed in Houston. This made us late for our connection flight to San Diego. We rushed across the airport to another gate, which had already boarded people. Dan sat in a corner, while I went up front to the ticket counter and explained to the lady the situation that Dan needed an aisle and could not place pressure on his foot. After all the passengers became seated, we ultimately boarded. I said to myself, Great; now I will be able to relax for its three hours until we arrive. Dan and I did not eat the entire day except for a bag of pretzels, so it was a treat to buy a package meal for $7.00 each.
We landed and Dan needed to go to the restroom. I headed to the baggage area and along the way I saw a handicapped-accessible bathroom, so we then stopped. This made us late to receive our luggage and it did not show up on the belt, but at least our driver who met us at the airport had a sign that read “Sheryl Malin.” He advised us our luggage might be in the office, for we were last to arrive. Thank goodness, the luggage was there in one piece. This is where the journey begins. While heading to Mexico I called my daughter to let her know we made it.
We crossed the border with no trouble, for you do not need to show any papers at that time--only when you leave Mexico. Approaching the facility, Dan said that it looked the same as on Google. We checked in like you do in most facilities, in admitting, and were taken to our room. Quite different than rooms here, it looked similar to a hotel room. It had a couch, a chair, two beds, and a table. I had my very own bathroom.
The physician came in and introduced himself. He asked me questions regarding my condition. We went over some things and he examined me. I must say I was impressed that he did a full work-up, which I had never before received from head to toe. After the EKG and the exam, the doctor explained some findings and stated that someone would be in tomorrow morning for lab work.
When he left; our dinner came. What a treat! We had an organic lamb roast with mixed vegetables and a pitcher of water. We were surprised later when we heard a knock on the door and it was our dessert, an apple and sunflower seeds.
The day is over. I must go to sleep. I'm going to have lab work tomorrow. Also, the doctor is coming in to explain the procedures.

Since the comfort zone is a space that we built slowly over the years, many times we do not realize that we are trapped inside. We are so accustomed to our habits and lifestyle that we do not realize how they limit our possibilities to grow.
Some signs that indicate that you must leave your comfort zone are:
– You do not grow from the emotional and intellectual point of view but you experience a deep apathy
– You feel deeply unmotivated, no new project or plan encourages you enough
– You close yourself to new ideas since these do not fit with your perfectly structured belief system
– You are afraid to take risks, so you prefer to let good opportunities pass with the excuse that you could lose more than what you can win
– For months or years, you have followed the same routine, so it’s been a long time since you have experienced that incredible sensation of being alive that makes you try new things
– You feel more isolated and you begin to think that everything is meaningless since you do not find anything stimulating in your daily routine
– You do not learn anything new that can bring a touch of different color to your life because you feel that you are well that way, although deep down you experience a great emptiness, as if you needed something more

Another piece I wrote on my blog was; I AM AN ORDINARY PERSON (MY STORY)
This was the second encounter stepping out of my comfort zone.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
I am an ordinary person that had a bad encounter of breast cancer. I grew up in the Tampa, Florida area and lived there all my life until now. The unique difference between me and others is I thought outside the box and chose a different approach. I started a blog which was intended for family and friends to see that going to Mexico and choosing Functional Medicine was the right thing to do and that I was very comfortable while not going through any pain and sorrow.
Throughout the two years of managing my disease I continued to write a journal about my home program and the process of my everyday life. I wanted to capture this to show, you can live with cancer and still enjoy life while managing this disease. The concept that I wanted was to be realistic and have it been true to the readers.
During this time, I also have been on my local news channel, twice for the natural way I took care of myself while eating organic foods and taking my vitamins and minerals to help with my immune system. Here is print from their website showing my story and an update about what I chose to do.
Palm Harbor, FL -- Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery -- it can be hard to know which treatment is best for breast cancer patients. A Palm Harbor woman picked none of the above.

Last February, we told you how Sherry Malin was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She went against her doctor's wishes and tried controversial nutrition based experimental treatments at a hospital in Mexico.
10 News Anchor Heather Van Nest talked to her the other day and she says her most recent body scan shows no cancer in her body.
She continues to eat a lot of fresh foods, takes dozens of vitamins daily and no longer sweats the small stuff. However, her insurance company denied coverage for her treatments in Mexico, so at this point, she and her husband have decided to sell everything, move to Mexico, and continue with the experimental treatments.
She continues to blog about her journey. You can read more about it here.
One of the hardest decisions a cancer patient has to make is deciding which treatment is best.
Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are considered standard treatments.
54-year-old, Sherry Malin, from Palm Harbor wanted to share her story with 10 News viewers to let others know some cancer patients are choosing not to follow conventional treatments.
She went against her doctor's wishes to try an alternative treatment in Mexico.
"I've always said I would not go for chemotherapy because I have seen too much of it."
A mammogram and biopsy in Tampa confirmed stage two breast cancer in her right breast last year. Sherry made the tough decision to go against her doctor's wishes to try what many conventional doctors consider to be controversial, nutrition based, experimental treatments offered at a hospital in Mexico.
She told 10 News Anchor Heather Van Nest it was not scary for her to go against what conventional doctors recommended because she saw too many people go through chemotherapy treatment. Her father, his sister and brother all died before the age of 40. She also watched her husband's mother die.
Sherry decided she did not want to go through all of that and she says, if she didn't make it, she wanted to do it on her terms and be able to do what she could during that period of time.
She says cancer was a wake-up call to take better care of herself.
Her treatment plan includes taking dozens of vitamins each day, eating fresh foods and no longer sweating the small stuff.
"I learned to handle stress. Stress has a lot to do with it so nothing bothers me. You don't worry about things. Yes, so if things fall apart... oh well... life goes on I'm still alive."
Sherry found growing her own organic garden in her backyard and choosing to eat fresh foods everyday gave her some control back in her life.
Sherry shares her journey on her blog and says this is a personal decision. She says quality of life is most important to her.
The nutrition-based therapy she had for 3 weeks in Mexico is not covered by insurance and her vitamins/supplements add to the monthly out-of-pocket costs.
Sherry follows up with her doctor here in Tampa. Dr. Peter Walton says he is amazed at how well she is doing considering she did not have surgery or chemotherapy. Her latest CT scan shows no cancer in her chest region.
So, this is why you should experience making a change or getting out of your comfort zone. Especially during these uncertain times.

There are 7 good reasons to leave your comfort zone:
It will prepare you for difficult times, like right now!
It will make you more productive in the long run.
Your limits will be wider.
Your creativity will increase.
You will gain self-confidence.
You will feel more alive.
And yes, studies show you will age better.

Last week I shared people that inspired me to go out of my comfort zone. I come up with a topic and write about it through my experiences and knowledge of health- BODY, SOUL, MIND, during which I posted health minded people that have helped Dan and I continue go out of our comfort zone (safe zone).
It’s a small world after all.
Chris Wark is an author, speaker and health coach -

I have to thank both of my doctors from Mexico, Dr. Perez and Dr. Garcia for they truly gave me my life back. Specialty Detoxification Nebulization; Therapy: Immune Targeted Therapies, and Cell Factor Therapy –

I was inspired by Vera Lopez; my earth angel. She has inspired me throughout the years with her kind heart and knowledge of being a perfusionist. HYPERTHERMIA PERFUSION (without chemo)-

Dr. Veronique DeSaulniers passion is to inspire, support, and connect women all around the globe and to live their best life through healing of body, mind and soul. –

Yesterday remembering our visit and seminar with Dr. Weber four years ago. He has inspired Dan and I about LASER THERAPY.

The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun. Benedict Cumberbatch
There is a comfort zone of knowing where things are going and having characters in place, but the action gets more and more dramatic and is very challenging to describe. Jerry B. Jenkins
Accept Me For Who I Am💖🎯💖
Good morning Tuesday 🎯 Love me without restrictions. Trust me without fear. Want me without demand. Accept me for who I am. 💖
Blossoming out through one's comfort zone should be well meaning so as to achieve newer levels of excellence. Priyavrat Thareja
To the degree we're not living our dreams, our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves. Peter McWilliams
When you go out of your comfort zone and it works there's nothing more satisfying. Kristen Wiig

Until tomorrow, remember it is normal, to have pressure. It's how you respond.
Take the pressure, use the pressure, have fun.

Tomorrow’s blog is about under pressure.