March 17, 2024
March 17, 2024
Hello Followers,
This Sunday you are exactly where you need to be.

Today Dan and I are going to focus on mindful eating.
This is a subject that has been a topic in our lives for many years.
Are you one that regularly wolf down your food without really tasting it?
Well, start practicing mindfulness whenever you eat today.
As you prepare your food, savor every culinary aroma.
When you sit down to eat, take a moment to quietly give thanks for the food in front of you.
As you eat your meals, focus all your attention on the tastes, sounds, smells, and sensations you are experiencing, rather than anything else going on around you.
Seeing if turning the TV or radio off and eating in silence makes you appreciate the food and the feeling of being full more than usual.
Try placing your fork down in-between mouthfuls and chewing each mouthful slowly to relish every taste sensation.
Let us try not to wolf down our food today and soften our minds to appreciate each bite.
We put terrible pressure on our minds.
When we tighten them or harden our views or beliefs, we lose all the softness and flexibility that makes for real shelter, belonging, and protection.
It is the hard things that break; soft things do not break.
You can waste so many years of your life trying to become something hard in order not to break; but it is the soft things that cannot break!
The hard things are the ones that shatter into a million pieces! ~C Joybell
What is certain is that when we brace against the challenges of life, fight with reality, reject our human vulnerability, become rigid with our body and mind; when we do it that way, we strain other muscles, break other bones, and ultimately, we suffer, more than we must.
But when we give ourselves the gift of relaxation, of softness, and acceptance; when we roll with not against our situation, we offer ourselves the smoothest ride possible on a bumpy road.
Strength and toughness are great skills, but it is our ability to relax and roll when life gets hard that ultimately determines our resilience and wellbeing.
So let your body soften!
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This year’s affirmations are from the book- Everyday Affirmations
365 Mantras for happiness, strength, and peace.
Follow everyday -

Dan and I highly recommend you check it out.
Let Everyday Affirmation be your go-to for a moment of stillness, gentleness, and generosity for a year full of happiness, strength, and peace.
March 17th
Sometimes in quiet moments, it is enough to feel the warmth, and let us warm our hearts as well as our bodies.
Whether from a flame or something a little less primal, the warmth of our spaces and our loved ones is a gift worth valuing.
How easy it is to take for granted the softness and the joy!
But when you come in from the cold, tired and bedraggled, we remember how sweet the warmth of home and family can be.


PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
Drop into meditation and allow your body, mind, and breath to soften.
Let yourself be guided through a slow and centering dhyana practice to focus, calm, and relax.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Dan and I welcome you to go to the tag words and explore our posts.
Until Monday, life is not about the number of ups and downs that you experience, but how you deal with them.