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March 18, 2024

Hello Followers,

 Like clouds in the sky, everything is in a constant process of change.

So, this Monday I am going to live in the moment and let go of some of the old processes and go with the new.

How about You!

We always start with meditation practice.

This is not about trying to draw us away or become something better.

It is about befriending who we are already.

Dan and I have heard it said before, probably many times, that it is important to live in the present moment.

You also might have heard similar pieces of advice like:

Do not get caught up in thinking about the past or the future, live in the now!

Be present in your own life.

All you have is this moment.

Do not let it slip away.

All of these (possibly overused) sayings boil down to the same basic message: it is vital to live in the present moment.

In today’s world, it is not easy.

There is always something coming up that we need to prepare for or anticipate, and our lives are so well-documented that it has never been easier to get lost in the past.

Given the fast pace and hectic schedules, most of us keep a base level of anxiety, stress, and unhappiness, which is the new norm.

You may not even realize it, but this tendency to get sucked into the past and the future can leave you perpetually worn out and feeling out of touch with yourself.

The cure for this condition is what so many people have been saying all along: conscious awareness and a commitment to staying in the now.

Living in the present moment is the solution to a problem you may not have known you had.

Let us this Monday try to live in the moment!


Being in the present moment, or the here and now, means that we are aware and mindful of what is happening at this very moment.

We are not distracted by things from the past or worries about the future but centered in the here and now.

All our attention is focused on the present moment.

As author Myrko Thum tells it, the present moment is all there is.

The present moment is the only thing where there is no time.

It is the point between the past and future.

It is always there, and it is the only point we can access in time.

Everything that happens, happens in the present moment.

Everything that ever happened and will ever happen can only happen in the present moment.

It is impossible for anything to exist outside of it.

Being present-minded is the key to staying healthy and happy.

It helps you fight anxiety, cut down on your worries, and keeps you grounded and connected to yourself and everything around you.

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 This year’s affirmations are from the book- Everyday Affirmations

365 Mantras for happiness, strength, and peace.

Follow everyday -

Dan and I highly recommend you check it out.

Let Everyday Affirmation be your go-to for a moment of stillness, gentleness, and generosity for a year full of happiness, strength, and peace.

March 18th


You are here!

Look at you, breathing and growing in the miracle of the present moment!

It is often said that every moment is a gift, but it is difficult to take account of each moment as it passes.

We often long for them to be shorter or longer, to pass quickly or extend forever.

But how can you collect the next gift if you insist on holding on to what you have?

The future is an infinite string of these presents, all you must do is open your hands and heart to receive them.

 PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

This is an Original 10-minute guided meditation to help you quiet your mind and become present.

It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.

Dan and I welcome you to go to the tag words and explore our posts.

Until Tuesday, the path to presence is through our mind,

body connection, our path is through our breath.

The breath is ALWAYS the here and now, it is the ultimate present moment.

Our breath is our constant connection to the here and now,

and our presence is rooted in its flow.


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