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None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust.

None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.


Hello followers,

HAPPY JULY 4th! I don’t know about you, but Dan and I are looking forward to some fireworks. For a moment I’m going to get patriotic especially with the division happening in the United States.

The Fourth of July also known as Independence Day or July 4th has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution.

On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.

From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.

Trust is “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Trust is so important for relationships because we need to know that we can rely on, depend on, count on someone in order to have a healthy relationship. This is true of God and of other people. Just as importantly, we need to be the kind of person that other people can trust, rely on, depend on, and count on.

Trust creates a sense of comfort, stability, and security that we know what to expect from someone else. In the same way, when we prove ourselves worthy of trust, it creates a sense of comfort, stability, and security for other people.

One of the biggest hit songs in Motown history was The Jackson Five’s fourth consecutive # 1 hit in 1970, the ballad “I’ll Be There.” The lyrics say in part, “Whenever you need me, I’ll be there I’ll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love I respect you Just call my name and I’ll be there.”

I’ll Be There was a big hit for several reasons, one of which is the sentiment of the words which communicate, “You can trust me.” We don’t create trust or a big hit by singing or living this way, “Whenever you need me, maybe I’ll be there, but maybe I won’t, I’m not sure. I can’t commit right now, it’s not you, it’s me. I can’t guarantee I’ll protect you or your name or reputation. I might talk about you behind your back. You might not even be safe in my presence. My interest in you is simply based on what I can get out of you and how you can help and serve me.” Needless to say, that is not a recipe for building trust, nor I suspect for a #1 smash hit, but you never know.

"I'll Be There"

You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back

Where there is love, I'll be there

I'll reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do

Just call my name and I'll be there

And oh - I'll be there to comfort you

Build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you

I'll be there with a love that's strong

I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on - yes, I will, yes, I will

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter

Togetherness, well that's all I'm after

Whenever you need me, I'll be there

I'll be there to protect you; with an unselfish love I respect you

Just call my name and I'll be there

And oh - I'll be there to comfort you

Build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you

I'll be there with a love that's strong

I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on - yes, I will, yes, I will

If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you

'Cos if he doesn't, I'll be there

Don 't you know, baby, yeah yeah

I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there

(Just look over your shoulders, honey - ooh)

I'll be there, I'll be there, whenever you need me, I'll be there

Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah

I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there



First bliss comes naturally. Second bliss is a choice. It’s the choice to trust, to love, to put yourself out there knowing full well that you can get hurt. But you won’t be able to live, love, and experience all the joys of life if you don’t put yourself back out there again. It takes courage, a lot of courage; but it’s worth it.


If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.

To forgive is to refuse to contaminate the future with the errors of the past.

Forgiving others is having power over the stars, forgiving yourself is having power over the moon.

Trusting is hard. Knowing who to trust, even harder.

Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.

If you are interested in reading Dan’s and My Journey Through Cancer without Surgery, Chemo or Radiation, just click on the books for more information:

MY JOURNEY OF COMPLETION (Body, Heart and Soul) – Enjoy Life While Managing Cancer


THIS IS AN ENCLOSURE – will be at the end of all the blogs, for I stress; this daily routine will heal and keep your body cells happy.

As I end this blog, Dan and I for several years have shared our experiences with enjoying life while managing cancer. By keeping healthy, our routine daily has been walking (exercise), meditation (for stress), Qigong (exercise and for stress).

I know some will say they do not have enough time with work, kids and household chores!!!

Dan and I have put together videos from WALK AT HOME together on our website, that you can follow in home; when you have short periods of time and unable to go out. They are from 15 mins up to 30 mins depending on the miles. This is one of the first steps to making your cells happy!!

Guided meditation. Trusting the Universe for guidance and protection. FEAR NOT, ALL IS WELL

This guided meditation has been designed to take you to that place of peace and power within yourself. As you relax in the awareness of this indwelling presence, it invites you to let go of your reliance on the things of this world, and place it entirely in to the hands of your creator, where help is always available.

Experiencing peace in the midst of a storm, is key for you to move thru the storm successfully. As you listen to this guided meditation often, and are able to experience peace often, it will lead you to a place where harmony and abundance are available to you.

Also, meditation videos, help to lower stress and is also one of the first steps to making your cells happy; click on . Again, they are no more than 10 to 20 mins and they are guided meditations.

“Surrender is a gift that you can give yourself. It’s an act of faith. It’s saying that even though I can’t see where this river is flowing, I trust it will take me in the right direction.” ~ Debbie Ford

We are still working on Qigong video’s to be posted on the website for easy access, until now you can go to the blog and on the right-hand side are hash # tag words, just click on the word #walk #Qigong #meditation. The post will pop up and then you can begin. Have fun with it!

Tomorrow, I’m starting on another book: LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown.

For more information click on book


None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.

Until Monday, I ask for trust. It is a lot, I know; it isn’t easy to give. But it is all I ask. BE SAFE AND ENJOY JULY 4th.


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