Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.
Hello followers,
Thank goodness it is Friday!

Time to release control.
I know when I feel the need to be in control and not having it can make me feel dissatisfied.
How about you?
One study found that subjects scoring high on a measure of general desire for control reported higher levels of discomfort and perceived the room as more crowded than did subjects scoring low on the desire for control at both levels of density.
The very act of feeling a need for control led to a less pleasant situation for people for whom that was a priority versus those for which it wasn't.
Because there is no way to control everything in life, caring too much about how things outside your control are going, can lead to increased criticism about everything that happens.
After all, when you do not control the outcomes, you want to, it makes sense that you don't like them.

In turn, being more critical can make us more neurotic, creating an unending and spiraling cycle in which we get progressively unhappier with our lives. And criticism of others can also be damaging for people who deal with depression and anxiety, leading them to criticize themselves more.

As Dan and I start a new year; we will be posting daily 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.
The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.
March 10th
Even if you do not know how things will work out, know that the universe hears your deepest desires.
Hope and trust can bring lightness to the heaviness of uncertainty.
Like a wave coming to shore clearing debris and smoothing the sand, hope can clear the effects of doubt.
Allow waves of love, patience, and optimism to enter where thoughts of uncertainty appear.
Replace doubt with hopefulness of a dream come true.

PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Until Saturday, you simply must put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
Put blinders on and plow straight ahead.
