Nurture a plant, and it will give you beautiful fruits, nurture your life, and it will give you ____
Nurture a plant, and it will give you beautiful fruits, nurture your life, and it will give you a beautiful future.
Hello followers,
Start this Sunday with a clean heart.
No doubt, no tears, no fear, no worry.
Thank God for his priceless gifts and miracles throughout the world.
If you do not see your worth, no one can help you with that.
It is up to you to see what you have.
It is up to you to know that you may have imperfections, but that it is not the definition of who you are.
Your flaws are just another feature.
They are not meant to detract from you.
Your strength derives from your uniqueness in life.
Follow the path that is your own.
Do not compete or compare.
Just be yourself.
Make a list of not only what you have, but also what you would want someone to say to you.
For example, use positive affirmations:
I am worthy.
I am imperfectly perfect.
I am full of wonder and joy.
I know who I am.
Add to the list, and you will find yourself more able to withstand anything.
Find yourself naming your wins and not focusing on your weaknesses.
You summon more strength that way.
You must not take for granted the journey you have been on.
It is because of you, not anything else, that you are still standing here.
That must count for something.
You can feel secure by knowing that you have a lot to offer.
You can choose to please others or please yourself. In the end, you must live with yourself.
And if you can do that, you’ve won.
Then, your emotional well-being will no longer suffer.
Appreciation creates authenticity.
Do not be focused anymore on being someone you are not.
Listen to who you are and find some value in that.
That is where you can find joy.
Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.
Life is a precious gift. A gift we often take for granted until it is threatened.
When God gives you a second chance, it is not something you take for granted.
In taking life for granted, we fail to notice it.
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day, you will look back and realize they were the big things.
Sometimes, you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
This new year Dan and I will be continuing the book, Ten-Minute Relaxation, For Mind and Body by Jennie Harding, until the end.
Whenever you are feeling under pressure, ten minutes is all you need to relax totally, using tools that are always with you; your senses.
This book is packed full of wonderfully simple ideas and exercises for using sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch and that vital sixth sense of intuition to rebalance your energies and bring you back into harmony with the natural world around you.
Identify your favorite sensory relaxation solutions and combat that stress!
Per Dan and my experience this is another component in keeping ourselves healthy, meditation.
By using your five senses, you can learn to relax in just ten minutes.
Continuing from yesterday, scientific studies have shown that music can evoke feelings of intense joy, shifts in mood, and deep emotional responses, stirring the sense of hearing to heights of pleasure.
This is felt in the body as tingling sensations, in the mind as a sense of heightened feeling, and in the spirit as a kind of timeless rapture.
It is no wonder that every age has produced its forms of music, every culture on the planet has its traditional instruments and sounds.
In Europe, the simplicity of medieval plainsong chant gave way to the complex interweaving harmonies of the Renaissance called polyphony; the discovery of chords, multiple sounds that resonated with each other and filled the ears with new sensations.
Each successive era has produced different combinations of music through a variety of experimentation with sound.
Continue Monday-
As Dan and I start a new year; we will be posting daily 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.
The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.
January 22nd
It is the light that shines within.
It fuels your passion and keeps you going when you know something is important.
Each morning, you have the chance to calibrate your light as the sun rises.
Imagine your inner fire rising within.
Will it be a bright flame that burns slowly and evenly or a burst of energy, creating a shock of illumination?
Our lights may differ every day, but they never go out.
The PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Until Monday, the purpose of life; after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost,
to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.