SMILE, LAUGH, GIGGLE- Hope and Inspiration
As I sit and conjure my thoughts, a question comes to mind. If you could have your cake and eat it too--would you? There are two sides to every coin, as there are to every story. But I can say our journey shared over these next pages shows an experience many of us share. There are dark moments and moments of inspiration. There is love, along with sheer terror. Tears stain these pages, showing the reviving energy of great joy. Hope and education are what I am trying to provide. In the end, what is life without them? This writing is for finding inspiration when it is lost.
Dan and I are neither a doctor, nor have the experience of one, but we are both survivors of cancer who feared for our lives. This is not about what is right or wrong; it is about educating ourselves to make choices, along with the awesome power of knowledge. Everyone should be given a choice, and it should be up to each of us to educate ourselves. With the internet, today, it's easy to research and discover alternative therapies and methodologies for treating and winning the battle against this disease. So first, we must believe that these solutions are possible. This is Dan and my personal story we choose to share with you so that you may become aware of another path to wellness of the body, mind, and spirit (FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE).