The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.
Hello followers,
Good morning!

Are we getting ready for another week?
Dan and I keep busy this weekend, yesterday enjoying our walk through one of the parks in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
The leaves are starting to change.
Love the colors and the findings every time we go up to the Blue Ridge
This time I found a leaf that was shaped as a heart.
We also went to the outdoor festival in Roanoke.
The weather was pleasant, autumn was in the air.
As you can see, exercise is one of our lifestyle changes and we love creating ways to walk.
So, every opportunity we have, we have been walking daily, in our local mall, parks, an even at festivals.
Ending this week with one of the three biggest things that get in the way of people making durable, consistent changes in their lives.
The first biggest thing is, avoid feeling pain.

The first and most significant hurdle for a lot of people is the fear of truly diving into their repressed emotional pain.
Everyone experiences hardship in their lives.
Someone who has had terrible things happen to them is more the rule than the exception.
Regardless of whether you label it as pain, trauma, hard knocks, or any other name, you have been through things in your life that you would not wish on others, and there will be some inevitable pain attached to those experiences.

In fact, the only way to guarantee that your emotions would stick around forever was by deploying the exact strategy that is currently, avoidance and denial.
This strategy is all too common in the world of growth work.
We fear that if we allow ourselves to feel our pain, that it will either 1) never end, or 2) that it will overtake us, and we will lose control.

No emotion lasts forever.
You can feel sadness, anger, and grief and, eventually, they pass on.
They wash over you and they leave.
If you are looking to keep moving forward in your healing journey instead of holding yourself back from personal growth, it is imperative that you learn to love and accept your emotions as they arise.
Until you do, they will hold you hostage and diminish your light in the world.
Tomorrow, the second biggest thing that gets in the way of people making durable, consistent changes in their lives.

Since this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, every post this week; I will share something that I have written or done in the past that has to do with this very topic.
Posted this on Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Breast Biopsy Marker Clip

Since my biopsy I have some concerns.
One concern that haunts me is the clips that they inserted in my breast.
I have talked to some people and did some research and have gotten different answers.
I even spoke to one woman that just found out that she will need a biopsy and was told that she would be having a clip placed in her.

She advised that she did not want this and was told that they would not be able to do the procedure unless a clip was placed in concern.
The answer was it was their policy.
Is this right, and should they tell us that we cannot have a procedure if we do not have a marker to label the area.
I have done some research and in the findings below you will see that this procedure is being done quite often and is very profitable.
Should this be done and are there side effects?
According to the material I found from the medical media, there are no side effects.

However, if you google it, you will see that there are women that have expressed that there are side effects.
So, ladies when it comes time for you to have a biopsy of the breast DO YOUR RESEARCH before having it done. Ask questions; after all it is your body.
Marker clips used for breast biopsies are made of titanium or surgical stainless steel and are about two millimeters in size.
When the radiologist or surgeon feels a marker should be used, they are inserted at the end of breast core or needle biopsy procedures to mark the site of the biopsy for later reference.
This is a key step to take since most abnormalities biopsied are small or subtle and can become extremely difficult or impossible to identify after a core biopsy procedure.

When a biopsy result is abnormal and an excision or lumpectomy is necessary, the marker clip allows accurate localization of the abnormal site for removal so that as little tissue as necessary is removed while optimizing the chance of clear margins.
Most patients have normal (benign) results from these types of biopsies; however, the presence of the marker is very reassuring when seen on follow-up mammograms; it shows exactly where the area was biopsied.

This avoids confusion in interpretation of follow-up mammograms and can prevent the need for future biopsies in that same area.
The marker is safe; sensitivity to the material is rare. In general women cannot feel the clip.
They do not set off airport detectors and do not cause interference problems in MRI.
Each tissue marker is only 3mm (less than one-eighth") in size.
A breast tissue marker is placed after a breast biopsy to help locate the site for future reference.
During your breast biopsy procedure most of the lesion may have been removed and could potentially be difficult to locate after the biopsy.

Therefore, it has become standard practice for a physician to place a breast tissue marker at the site of the biopsy for future reference.
Marking the site also helps to ensure that the correct area was biopsied.
The markers are made of materials that will show up on your follow-up mammogram.
The presence of the marker can be very reassuring when seen on follow-up mammograms because it shows exactly where the area was biopsied.
This can prevent the need for future biopsies in that same area.

UltraClip®Breast Tissue Markers Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is the marker safe?
A. Yes, the marker has been tested and proven to be safe and effective.
Q. Will the marker set off metal detectors at the airport?
A. No, the marker is only 3mm in size and will not set off metal detectors.
Q. Will I feel the marker?
A. The marker is only 3mm in size and it is unlikely that you will feel the marker.
Q. Will the marker move around?
A. Once the marker is placed, it is unlikely that the marker will move.
The markers are designed to attach to breast tissue and prevent migration.
The marker will not travel to other parts of the body.
Q. Will I be able to have an MRI procedure?
A. Yes, the marker can be safely scanned with MRI under appropriate conditions.
Notify the physician performing the MRI that you have a breast tissue marker implant.
Q. How does the marker get removed from my breast?
A. The marker is designed to stay permanently in your breast.
The marker will only be removed if your lesion is surgically removed.
Q. Am I getting a marker because I have cancer?
A. No, the marker is intended to identify the site of your biopsy.
The marker helps confirm the correct area was biopsied.
Q. Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
A. Please consult with your physician if you have additional questions or concerns.
Stereotactic breast biopsy is growing at a rate of 25% per year.
Over 370,000 clips were deployed in the US last year.
This simple elegant biodegradable marker will attract a considerable share of this rapidly growing market.

OCTOBER 16th, Dan, and I thought on continuing this segment with the series with some fun; What is it about October that is so significant during this month?
World Allergy Awareness Day – October 16, 2022

World Allergy Awareness Day is on October 16. Cannot do without an antihistamine during hay fever season?
This day is for you.
Maybe you are popping a pill every time your nose runs, or skin breaks out. If that sounds like you, today is as good a day as any to stop.
Let us ditch the urge to over-medicate and understand our allergies instead.

Each one, even a rash, is complex, with different triggers and, of course, treatment.
One pill will not and cannot cure all of it; only a doctor can.
So, remember to visit your healthcare provider today!
First things first, what is an allergy?
In medical terms, an allergy signals hypersensitivity to the immune system.

We experience allergies when our immune system reacts to certain things in our immediate environment.
These substances are otherwise harmless to the average person, but someone with a sensitive immune system can have a wildly different reaction to them.
The body treats these substances as invasive foreign particles.
From rain and dust to pollen, anything can trigger an allergy.
Usually, allergies show up as skin flare-ups or difficulty in breathing.
Most of us are allergic to something, only the severity differs.

Doctors recommend we not ignore an allergy, no matter how minor it seems.
What is the next worst thing? Self-medication.
Popping an anti-allergen is a temporary fix.
When we repeatedly self-medicate, we risk the problem getting worse.
Sometimes, it can be life-threatening. Allergy during the first few stages is easily treatable by a doctor.

To avoid doctor visits, many people treat allergies on their own, which then become severe.
The result?
Exorbitant treatments or even emergency surgery.
For perspective, there are several hundred types of allergies; each one has different triggers and separate medication.
Taking generic anti-allergens is not effective at all.
World Allergy Awareness Day hopes to raise awareness and change mindsets.

What is the best way to treat allergies?
First, identify allergy triggers to the best of your abilities.
Trace your activities and note where you were or what you touched or ate.
Once done, seek medical treatment or get an allergy test done.
You will be surprised at just how much detail these tests can uncover, from nut and dairy allergies to things around your house.

Time is precious and is priceless, so Dan and I will continue each day to pull from a box of 365 inspirational quotes; one quote and share with you.
Today is:

Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.
Who’s Holding You Back? Look in the Mirror.
If you want to be great, do it. There is nothing holding you back. It is all in your control.
Do not ever let fear hold you back. Fear was the fuel for every great achievement that ever was.
Your dreams await you.
The best revenge is no revenge. Move on. Be happy.
Do not worry about how many years you have been living the same way. If you truly wish to change, then you can.

Today Dan and I will be continuing the book, Ten-Minute Relaxation, For Mind and Body by Jennie Harding.
Whenever you are feeling under pressure, ten minutes is all you need to relax totally, using tools that are always with you; your senses.
This book is packed full of wonderfully simple ideas and exercises for using sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch and that vital sixth sense of intuition to rebalance your energies and bring you back into harmony with the natural world around you.

Identify your favorite sensory relaxation solutions and combat that stress!
Per Dan and my experience this is another component in keeping ourselves healthy, meditation.
By using your five senses, you can learn to relax in just ten minutes.

SMELL ASSESSMENT; Ten-minute exercise-

Here is a fun thing to do when you buy a new essential oil.
Simply put two drops on a facial tissue, sit somewhere quiet, and inhale the aroma.
Close your eyes and let yourself experience it.
How does it make you feel?

What does it remind you of?
How would you describe this smell?
Does it change over time?
Learning how the aroma affects you will help you to use it in a way that suits you, and you may find that after ten minutes you feel different in yourself.

As I ponder over all that I have learned, I have come to find that we all have our own blueprint.
Our bodies are precious and there are many components in taking care of them.
Throughout the blog, Dan and I have related the separate ways through body, heart, and soul.
It is all about power of knowledge and learning to take care of yourself, keeping your cells happy.
Our immune system is one of the key factors in keeping healthy.
It is important to know how it works!

Cancer: Civilization's - No. 2 Killer
Continuing from yesterday, Dr Otto Warburg (1883-1970) was Director of the Max Planck Institute of Cell Physiology in Germany.
The holder of many international honors, Dr Warburg was considered by Dr Dean Burk, head of the Cytochemistry Department of the US National Cancer Institute at the time, to be the world's greatest biochemist.

In 1931 Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the oxygen transferring enzyme of cell respiration and was voted a second Nobel Prize in 1944 for his discovery of the active groups of the hydrogen transferring enzymes.

Conferred honorary degrees by the universities of Harvard, Oxford, and Heidelberg, he was a member of the Royal Society of London, a Knight of the Order of Merit founded by Frederick the Great and was awarded the Great Cross with Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Bunde Republik.
Although Jewish, he was unmolested by the Nazis, and in the subsequent invasion of Germany by the Russians he was accorded protection and special consideration by the Russian High Command.

Warburg's research spanned more than sixty years, and he was the author of over five hundred published research papers and five books.
His description of the experiments in which he transformed normal cells into cancer cells was contained in his lecture at the meeting of Nobel-Laureates on 30 June 1966 at Lindau, Germany.
This lecture, titled "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer", was reproduced in English by Dr Dean Burk and published by Konrad Triltsch, Wurzburg, Germany.
Until Tomorrow-

The PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. #themeasure#intelligence#theability#tochange#change#motivational#inspirational

Until Monday, the greatest discovery of all time is that a person can
change his future by merely changing his attitude.