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The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting.


Hello Friday,

My how time flies, wasn’t it just Monday? Now it’s the weekend again; what are you going to be doing?

It’s interesting how words, said by another person, can change the way we feel about ourselves. The way you think and feel about yourself (including your hopes, beliefs and expectations) determines everything that is happening to you. Just in the same way as positive words can make you smile when you are down, or a funny quotation can make you laugh – our thoughts interact with the universe in real-time. This means that, it is better to keep your positive way of thinking instead of getting upset more by keeping your head busy with negative thoughts.

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own."- Benjamin Disraeli

Continuing with vitamins from INFORMATION FROM THE CANCER CONTROL SOCIETY CONVENTION OF 2017. Today I will be blogging on vitamin C. As I blog about vitamins and the benefits toward cancer and prevention; My quest is to gear you to seek a professional in functional medicine. The reason is, they are experts in reading lab work to see what you are lacking in and also will help you get to the root of your condition.

Now, many researchers clearly demonstrate that for good health humans need much larger amounts of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) than are present in the plants we use as food.

Unlike, most mammals, humans do not produce vitamin C; we must therefore obtain vitamin C through diet and supplementation to enable collagen production and therefore overall tissue and organ health.

Vitamin C is essential for the building of collagen, the most abundant protein built in our bodies and the major component of connective tissue that is indispensable to the heart, blood vessels and all tissues of the body. Collagen is not only the most abundant protein in our bodies, it also occurs in larger amounts than all other proteins put together. This critical protein cannot be built without vitamin C.

Vitamin C presents a biological conundrum in that while it is essential for the formation of collagen, it is actually destroyed during the collagen formation process. The organs of the body cannot function without collagen and nor can these organs maintain a healthy condition without vitamin C. Thus, an essential for supplementation in omnipresent.

Vitamin C also plays an important role in synthesis of the neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters are critical to brain function and are also known to impact mood.

This Vitamin is also required for the synthesis of carnitine, a small molecule that is essential for transport of fat into cellular organelles called mitochondria, where the fat is converted to energy.

Vitamin C is also a highly effective antioxidant, which plays a critical role in the prevention of cellular damage. This is the common pathway for cancer, aging and a variety of disease.


Good morning- good morning Friday ☀️ The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting.🦋 The beginning is always today. Go out and enjoy 🌻

Research investigators at the National Institute of Health report that the anticancer mechanism responsible for vitamin C involves production of hydrogen peroxide, which is selectively toxic to cancer cells.

Vitamin C is vital in the protection of certain indispensable molecules in the body such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species that can be generated during normal metabolism as well as through exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants such as pollution and cigarette smoke.

Increased vitamin C consumption is associated with reduced risk for most types of cancer. Multiple case-control studies have investigated the role of vitamin C in cancer prevention, and most have shown that higher intakes of vitamin C are associated with decreased incidence of cancer of the mouth, throat and vocal cords, esophagus, stomach, colon-rectum and lung.

One study that followed 870 men over a period of 25 years found that those who consumed more than 83mg of vitamin C daily experienced a striking 64% reduction in lung cancer compared with those who consumed less than 63mg per day.

Laboratory experiments indicate that vitamin C inhibits the formation of carcinogenic compounds in the stomach, a finding supported in observational studies have found that increased dietary vitamin C intake can be associated with a decreased risk of stomach cancer,

Studies conducted by Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize winning scientist, pioneer in the fields of quantum chemistry, molecular biology and orthomolecular medicine) suggest that very large doses of vitamin C (10 grams/day intravenously for ten days followed by at least 10 grams/day orally indefinitely) are helpful in increasing the survival time and improving the quality of life of terminal cancer patients.

Intravenous (IV) administration of vitamin C can result in much higher blood levels of vitamin C than oral administration. Vitamin C levels that are toxic to cancer cells in culture can be achieved in humans only with intravenous but not oral administration of vitamin C.

When Dan and I had our treatments, this is one of the vitamins that we received.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”— John Quincy Adams

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Until tomorrow, food for thought: advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. Have a great weekend.


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