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The soul, like nature has seasons too!

Good Day All,

Where did the day go, our 17th day hunkering down? We Started the day off with a spiritual message from Joel Osteen.

Dan and I like to start our days with positive energy, plus we have been doing a journal of gratitude. Focusing on the blessings in life lightens the heart, lifts the spirits, and calms an anxious mind. With all the uncertainty going on with the virus it is helping us stay calm. Simply shifting your thoughts from worrying over what you don’t have to feeling grateful for what you do have can alter your entire experience with the world. And once you begin to count your blessings, they have a way of multiplying. As you look more and more at the good around you, you can’t help but see more and more of it.

For the last couple of months, I have been sharing a series of inspirational quotes to help you meditate on the blessings in your life, deepening your sense of gratitude for the world around you. And with gratitude comes peace.

The soul, like nature has seasons too!

Some days you feel down and despondently sad and you long to be happy and carefree and glad. Why must there be days that are cheerless and blue? Why is the song silenced in the heart that was rejoiceful?

During this time of uncertainty and even when I was told nine years ago that I had cancer, I feared that the song in my heart would be silenced.

But then I asked GOD, “What makes life this way?” The explanation he gave me makes everything clear. The soul has seasons, the same as the year. People, too must pass through life’s autumn of death and have his heart frozen by winter’s cold breath. But with spring always comes with new life and birth followed by summer to warm the soft earth. This is comforting to know there are reasons.

The souls, like nature, must too have their seasons. We will have bounteous and barren seasons along with times of rejoicing. However; there will be times to be blue. For with nothing but sameness how dull life would be. Your life’s challenges can set the soul free and it takes a mixture of both bitter and sweet. This is to season our lives and make them complete.

As we are in the middle of a bitter season, I have a positive outlook that real soon we will rejoice again. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the precious lives that have been taken from us. May their memories always be treasured.

Who in your life has helped you through your worst times? How have you shown them your gratitude?

Today was a little challenging, for we had to cut our walk short and only walk a mile. There were a lot of people out coming and going in our complex. Our first priority at this time is safety and to keep our distance so we do not get sick. So, I came in and finished the laundry and working on the puzzle that our daughter gave us.

What have you been up to, most have to stay home? Love to hear any unique ways of spending your days in the comfort of your homes.

Until tomorrow, be safe.

One more thing, last night Trisha and Garth Brooks was live from their home with a concert to thank the front line responders.



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