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Hello Hump Day,

As Dan and I have been doing Tai Chi with Dr Keith Jeffery, the three most important words we can say with a big smile is – ALL IS WELL. This expression is usually used when a particularly messy set of circumstances results in a desired conclusion.

The saying means that, despite the situations, problems, or chaos that may have ensued in an effort to reach the desired conclusion, it is fine as long as the end result is positive.

The phrase can also mean that, even though a set of circumstances didn’t begin in a positive way, the situation resolved itself in an acceptable manner. The phrase can sometimes be analogous with the idiom “the ends justify the means.”

“You’re off to great places, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way.” Dr. Seuss

Other similar, though slightly different, interpretations of the phrase may include using the idiom to express feelings that the difficulties of accomplishing a goal are not so important once the goal had been accomplished. It could also be used to express the sentiment that, once a task or journey is finished, the situations endured to get to the end seem acceptable, even though the situations may not have seemed acceptable at the time. The phrase "all's well that ends well" is generally not used until the journey, task, or goal has been completed. There are occasional instances where the phrase is used in the middle of a calamity to express optimism that the current situation won't matter as long as the ending is positive.

“All’s well that ends well” is a British idiom and was most likely made popular by Shakespeare’s play that took the idiom as its title. The play, believed to have been written about 1604, tells the story of Helena, who endures many difficulties and circumstances, and uses tricks and deceit to get her true love to acknowledge her as his wife. Helena’s lines include the phrase “all’s well that ends well.”

The idiom was likely already in common usage among the British before Shakespeare’s play was introduced, although Shakespeare is often, incorrectly, given credit for coining the phrase.


Good day Wednesday🎉 starting a new mini video series - LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST, CELEBRATE. ✨ You deserve to live the life in a way you had expected it to be. So, don't forget to enjoy it's every moment to the fullest🆗 #celebratetothefullest#inspiration#motivation

A Finnish proverb that likely came into usage about the same time is translated into English as “the beginning is always difficult, in the end stands the thank.” The idiom "all's well that ends well" was included in a collection of English proverbs compiled by John Heywood in 1546. Heywood worked for Henry VIII as a singer and playwright, and his collection of proverbs include many sayings that continue to be used in the English language today.

So, next time you are asked to say the three important words – ALL IS WELL; you will now know where and how it came about.

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” Nelson Mandela

Continuing on INFORMATION FROM THE CANCER CONTROL SOCIETY CONVENTION OF 2017 – INTERNATIONAL TREATMENTS. Today I will be blogging on immune support and regulation, which is part of the five-step plan.

The immune system is the body’s defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Immune response is the process by which the immune system attacks, defends against organisms, substances that attack the body’s system and cause disease.

Key among the network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body are white blood cells or leukocytes; which function to seek out. It destroys disease-causing organisms or substances. These leukocytes are also known as lymphoid organs because of where they stored throughout the body, the thymus, spleen and bone marrow.

Leukocytes are also present in the body’s lymph nodes, as well as circulate through the body’s organs and nodes via lymphatic vessels and blood vessels.

The immune system orchestrates a coordinated monitor and response process, identifying germs other irregular substances in the body that might impair cell or system function. Unfortunately, the immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Example; long-term use of antibiotics to fight infections can actually depress the immune system.

Immune regulation involves a complex process whereby internal defense mechanisms are made aware of the presence of altered cells or tumors which are growing wildly in the body.

“Convince yourself every day that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.” ― Germany Kent

DIY Natural Mosquito & Tick Repellent | Works Amazing, Smells Great, Long Lasting

How to make Mosquito and Tick Repellent that works.


1/2 cup Water

1/2 cup witch hazel

1 tsp glycerin

1 Tsp vodka or alcohol

Essential oils:

30 drops geranium (used bergamot)

30 drops citronella (used cedar better for ticks)

10 drops lemon

10 drops eucalyptus

10 drops rosemary

10 drops lavender

mix well and spray on

Until tomorrow, “Who you really are is Nonphysical Energy focused in a physical body, knowing full well that all is well and always has been and always will be. You are here to experience the supreme pleasure of concluding new desires, and then of bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with the new desire that you've concluded - for the purpose of taking thought beyond that which it has been before.” ― Abraham Hicks


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