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There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.


Thursday here again,

Here is a thought, you seek problems because you need their gifts. Argue for your limitations and sure enough they’re yours.

Imagine the universe beautiful and just and prefect. Then be sure of one thing: the is has imagined it quite a bit better than you have.

While Dan and I walked around the convention in 2017, we ran into one of our suppliers. Dan has been ordering from them for almost ten years, now we can but a face to the other end of the phone. Rocky Fork Formulas, Inc is where we have been ordering our enzymes from and we had a pleasant visit. It was so delightful that he remembered us, for we are the only one that has ordered from them that lived in Mexico.

As we age, we also tend to produce fewer of the digestive enzymes we need, so supplementing with digestive enzymes can benefit us. High levels of stress can also decrease the number of enzymes we produce ourselves- and lead to a need to supplement.

You may have heard about digestive enzymes from a friend, relative or on the Web…. but there may be a few questions you have about them. What are they, do I need them, why do I need them, where do I find them, can I take them when I have been diagnosed with “Z syndrome” or “Y disorder” and possibly many other questions?

Enzymes are protein substances that help break down other substances into smaller parts. During this process, the enzymes themselves don’t get broken down—and they can keep working on and on until all the substances are completely broken up. We need enzymes because our bodies can’t absorb the larger bits of food—they have to be broken down in order for our bodies to absorb and use the nutrients in food.

Raw foods contain enzymes. But, most of us don’t eat a lot of raw foods and cooking destroys many of the natural enzymes in our food. If we eat processed food, even more of the nutrients are destroyed. So, taking supplemental enzymes can help us get as much nutrition as possible out of the foods we eat.

Digestion is a complicated process. There are physical, mechanical and chemical steps involved and enzymes are an extremely important part of the process.

Digestion is the process where food gets broken down further and further into the smaller pieces your body needs.

Digestion begins in the mouth. The act of chewing and the production of saliva begins the breakdown of food into smaller parts. Saliva contains amylases—enzymes that break up carbohydrates in the food. After you swallow, the food enters the esophagus which then empties into the stomach. The esophagus, a long muscular tube, has a valve at the end of it that normally is a “one-way” valve.

Sometimes, when the stomach gets over-filled (and other reasons), this valve gets weak and a person may feel “heartburn” or “reflux”. This is generally caused by stomach acids entering the esophagus. And, since acids “burn”, you can get the burning sensation.

The stomach secretes acid and enzymes such as pepsin, lipases, gelatinases and rennin.

The stomach churns and mixes the food—the source of the “gurgling” sounds you may hear from time to time.

From the stomach, the food moves into the first part of the small intestine (the duodenum). In the duodenum, the food gets further digested and mixed with bile (from the liver and gall bladder) and digestive enzymes from the pancreas.

The enzymes from the pancreas include trypsin, chymotrypsin, nucleases and amylases among others. All these enzymes break up food into an absorbable and useable size.

The duodenum is the first of three parts of the small intestine. The other two parts are the jejunum and the ilium. Altogether, hard as it may be to believe, the small intestines are about 15-20 feet (4½ to 6 meters) long! The small intestine secretes even more enzymes to further break down the food. A good deal of nutrient absorption takes place in the small intestines.

Finally, the digested food enters the colon and most of the water is reabsorbed. What is left is eliminated as stool.

They are kind of like a lock and key mechanism where enzymes are the key that opens the door and starts the reaction.

A lack of enzymes can be found in various diseases including heart disease and cancer.

When you hear the word “enzyme,” you most likely associate it with digestion, but you may not realize that proteolytic enzymes are the body’s main defense against cancer. Enzymes act as catalysts for the many chemical reactions that take place in the body, and are essential for building, maintenance and repair. They also have the potential to reverse cancer.

Pancreatic enzymes have an anti-cancer effect in the body. They word “enzyme” was coined in 1858 by Wilhelm Kuhne, a German scientist who isolated trypsin, the main enzyme in the small intestine that digests protein. Pancreatic enzymes are also referred to as proteolytic or metabolic enzymes. They are responsible for breaking down proteins into amino acids.

By 1900, proteolytic enzymes were widely used as an alternative protocol to treat cancer. Not only are enzymes vital for digestion, once they enter the bloodstream, they degrade the outer protective coating pathogens use to evade the immune system. Aside from secreting enzymes that digest protein, such as protease, the pancreas also produces amylase, lipase, cellulase, and lactase, that digest carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and milk sugar, respectively. Enzymes combat cancer just as penicillin destroys bacteria.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who passed away in 2015, was an avid proponent of high-dose enzyme therapy. He used this therapy as part of his three-part approach to treating cancer, which I’ll talk more about below.

Proteolytic enzymes become systemic when taken on an empty stomach.

This means they pass into the bloodstream, unimpeded by the digestive system, where they are responsible for many chemical and cellular reactions within the body.

When enzymes circulating in the bloodstream digest dysfunctional and damaged cells, including cells that are cancerous. They also catalyze abnormal proteins.

Although pancreatic and proteolytic enzymes are made in the pancreas to aid digestion, they’re highly effective when taken in supplemental form.

Toxins and waste build up in the bloodstream and lymphatic system when enzymes are in short supply, which negatively impacts immune function.

On the other hand, when enzymes are plentiful, they boost the immune system, which is a vital component when fighting cancer. Systemic enzymes break down fibrin, which is a tough, sticky protein that plays a major role in blood clotting.

They also break down toxins, allergens, and excess mucus in the bloodstream.

Enzymes are an effective alternative to NSAIDs, helping to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. Unlike NSAIDs, however, they target only harmful circulating immune complexes (CICs), while leaving beneficial CICs untouched.

This means you can experience pain reduction without any harmful effects

Researchers study enzymes and their associated enzyme pathways to identify disease conditions in the human body. Hence by activating or by blocking certain enzyme processes and pathways – many diseases can be prevented.


Good day Thursday🍃the secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings. Enjoy the land around us - nature 🌄

For example, researchers have identified an enzyme protein that makes cancer cells sticky. By being able to identify the protein enzyme that allows cancer cells to stick together, and by switching off this enzyme – the prevention of certain cancers from metastasizing occurs. Hence enzymes are extremely important in the human body, and without them the human body would not be able to function at all.

When the arteries are narrow a reduced volume of blood is able to flow through the artery. The heart has to work harder for a lesser amount of blood flow. Putting a burden on the heart, as well as raising blood pressure – hypertension.

When less oxygen is being delivered throughout the body – lack of oxygen is a key factor in the promotion of many disease conditions.

As well as affecting the extracellular environment negatively. This means that tissue areas affected by a lack of oxygen can attract Opportunistic bacteria that thrive in low oxygen – as a result spreading infection in the body.

Another serious issue is related to cancer. Cancer cells thrive in areas of the body where there is low oxygen in the tissues. Research shows that tissue hypoxia promotes tumor growth and the spread of cancer – known as metastasis.

Hence keeping oxygen levels high through supporting the circulatory vascular system is essential.

Cancer tumors are dangerous because they can grow their own blood supply network known as Angiogenesis 1. Causing damage to muscle tissue, organs, arteries and veins in the process.

The network creates a new set of arteries that destroy muscle to make way for it.

enzymes inhibit the growth of fibrin-which may stop the tumor from attaching to proteins and creating its own blood supply network.

Individuals who are suffering from cancer have high levels of fibrin – which is dead protein cells that is created by cancer cells destroying nearby tissues.

The body may collect these dead cells and isolate them in a particular area of the body. These masses are then known as benign tumors initially which in turn can become cancerous.

When an individual is suffering from aggressive cancer that has already metastasized, there is a huge toxic burden on the body. With metastasis the cancer can rapidly spread infecting all organs and systems of the body.

Dan and I have been on enzymes since we were diagnosed with cancer; Dan eight years ago and I ten years. This is our home program.

May I stop here and change the subject for a minute, I just had lab work and everything looks great. So, not just the treatment itself manages cancer; it’s your lifestyle and aftercare that is just important. This is why I remind as I blog about vitamins and other substances concerning cancer and prevention; my quest is to gear you to seek a professional in functional medicine. The reason is, they are experts in reading lab work to see what you are lacking and also will help you get to the root of your condition.

1.0 Mile Happy Walk | Walk at Home | Walking Workout


Until tomorrow, the bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.

Inspired and sayings from the ILLUSIONS.


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