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Today starts a new week and the beginning of March

Hello my followers,

Today starts a new week and the beginning of March. This morning I heard this message that is so important in this day and age. With the social media, surrounding us and telling us what to do; we need to stop and step aside. Everyone has an opinion, which is great, but that is what it is; their opinion and may not be yours. Be true to yourself and believe what is in you.

There is this story that I found that is exactly what is happening now. There was this old man and grandson going from one town to another with their donkey. The old man was on this donkey while his grandson was walking. Someone approached them and called out to the old man, you are being cruel to your grandson and made the old man get off the donkey and put his grandson on the donkey. As they were moving along another person stopped them and said you both are being cruel to the donkey. So, they ended up carrying the donkey to the town they were walking to.

A lot of us are carrying the donkey, because we listen to others instead of listening to our heart. Be true to yourself, but respect others opinions.

This brings me to food; I wrote this article awhile back; I think it’s worth posting once again.


Dummies Guide to Organic Food

What is organic food? While we may have heard about it for over a thousand times, many are still in the dark about organic food and its benefits. We hope this article would shed some light on organic food.

The Organic Revolution - The organic revolution is a global phenomenon witnessed in every part of the world. The global organic food market was about USD40 billion in 2006 and over 30 percent or USD12 billion of the global demand stems from the US. The world organic market has been growing by 20% a year since the early 1990s, with future growth estimates ranging from 10-50% annually depending on the country.

What Is Organic Food - Organic food are foods that are grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste or sewage sludge. And processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. For livestock’s, they are reared without the routine use of antibiotics or growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified.

The word organic food does not only apply to the food from your own home garden, but also to the store-bought food products, in which no synthetic artificial inputs are used. In the contemporary times, the term organic food is usually used in reference to the certified organic foods. It has been claimed by health experts that organic food is more nutritious. Some of the features that can be associated with organic food have more attention to quality, good taste, and proper selection of crop varieties etc.

Organic Gardening - Organic Gardening is gardening without the use of man-made chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It is said by some of its supporters to be more in harmony with nature. An organic gardener strives to work in harmony with natural systems and to minimize and continually replenish any resources the garden consumes. Organic produce is also known for its superior flavor.

Organic Fertilizers - Organic fertilizers can actually be cheaper, because you can make them yourself. Fish emulsion is a common organic fertilizer. It is a sort of tea made from dead fish. Seaweed fertilizer is another tea-like fertilizer that many organic gardeners swear by.

1. And of course, there is natural compost that can help you make use of your kitchen waste the benefits of organic gardening far outweigh the few drawbacks. It may be a bit more work, but it is so rewarding

Organic Food Consumption - Organic food consumption has become the trend of the time, but still there are many who do not have a clear idea regarding the definition of organic food and this can be attributed to the fact that we do not possess adequate organic food information. Well, organic food in simple terms can be defined as food that is natural and does not involve the usage of any kind of preservatives or artificial pesticides. Read further to explore organic food facts

Organic Food Production - Organic food production is legally regulated. Currently, the United States, the European Union, Japan and many other countries require producers to obtain organic certification in order to market food as organic. Organic products protect us from toxic and chemical induced diseases while nourishing our bodies to promote good health. Non-organic food only appears to be cheaper, but it costs us our health, our farmland, our eco-systems and taxes to pay for the disasters that chemical farming create. Chemical farming has led to dramatic erosion of the soil, killing off whole species of birds and near extinction of some of our beautiful wildlife. Sustainable Organic Agriculture is already feeding people around the world. Chemical farming can seriously damage farmer's health.

Benefits of Organic Food - Organic foods contain phenolic compounds that protect you from developing heart disease and cancer. Organic food ensures high food quality, which other conventional foods cannot commit. Since organic food is natural and fresh, it boasts off its rich taste. So, head your way towards leading a healthy lifestyle, by eating organic foods.

Last night I made a very simple meal for Dan and I with the veggies we bought on line with Misfits. I call it Butternut What Nuts.


· One butternut squash

· One large turnip

· One large sweet potato

· One large onion

· A cup of mushrooms

· Spices of your liking

· Olive oil

· Cheese (vegan or almond)

· A cup or can mixed beans


· Cut up in small pieces the butternut squash, turnip, sweet potato, onion, mushrooms.

· Place the veggies in a pan with a little of olive oil.

· Cook until soft or to your liking, then add your spices

· Last but not least add the cooked or can mixed beans.

· When all finished put in a dish and garnish the top with cheese and spices

· Yummy

I have been reading some books that I would like to share with you. Two were given to me by our daughter.

When has a blessing appeared and taken you by surprise?

Count Your Blessings- Notice with amazement and gratitude, the countless blessings that surround you.

Alchemy of Herbs – Transform everyday ingredients into food and remedies that heal.

Your Best Life – Begins each morning.


Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age and dreams are forever. Be yourself.

Closing off, for the treadmill is calling me.

Have a great day.



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