Hello Tuesday,
Another day in paradise, setting goals in the near future to see some of Virginia. Moving back to the states from Mexico to Virginia last year, we wanted to see the historical sites in that area.

However, with all the corona virus issues it has been interfering in those plans. Dan and I was able to explore Mexico while we lived there for six years.

Since back to the states, we have been hunkering down for the past five months. Just this morning I began thinking back when I was eleven years old traveling with my family one summer going around the United States. My father had a goal to visit all our relatives in different areas of the country. This dream came true and my family of six traveled the countryside throughout the United States, visiting parks, amusement parks, zoo’s and many more sites.

I remember riding in our station wagon in the middle of the back seat practically up front looking out in amazement. There is so much out there, GOD’S COUNTRY. Little did I know that this would be the last vacation that our family took together, for my father was diagnosed with cancer the following year. You know how the story goes from there!!!
“Then there is the most dangerous risk of all — the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar

One of the things my mother did was to save soil in white envelopes from each state that we entered and stored them under her seat. A year later I did a science project on soils from each state in the US. I entered this project in the science fair, which I received third place. If I had known back then what I know now, I might have learned how bad our environment was heading. But, I did not!

However, its never to late to change and correct what has been happening, for the future of our children.
THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM!! WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP SOLVE THE SITUATION? Today the topic is solutions to the agricultural pollution problem. Yes, there are ways that this can be resolved!

One way is to reduce the use of fertilizer and pesticides. Farmers should try to improve the nutrition management so that fertilizer and pesticides are not used in excessive amounts in order to mitigate the agricultural pollution problem.
This means to determine in a scientific way how much pesticides and fertilizer are necessary to get a reasonable crop yield. Many farmers could reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides significantly and still get decent crop harvests.
The second way is to avoid soil erosion by planting continually throughout the year. Cover crops can be used when the actual harvest is over in order to prevent bare ground which can lead to soil erosion and therefore to a loss of waterways.

Third way is to plant trees or grasses along the edges of fields. Planting grasses and trees along the edges of a field is important when the field lies on the borders of water bodies. Through this planted buffers, nutrient losses can be avoided by filtering out nutrients before reaching the groundwater.
Fourth way is to adjust the intensity of the tillage of a field. Farmers should consider the reduction in tillage of their fields in order to reduce runoffs, soil compaction and erosion. Thus, a more sustainable path towards farming and a reduction in agricultural pollution could be accomplished.

Fifth way is to improve manure management. Animal waste is a big cause of agricultural pollution. Thus, it is crucial to set up and improve processes concerning the management of these pollutants.
There are several manure treatment processes which aim to reduce the adverse impact of manure on the environmental system. These processes have to be developed further in order to improve the situation.
Sixth way is to change our consumption behavior. Part of this problem lies in the fact that most of us consume an excessive amount of meat. In order to meet this demand, farmers have to use large amounts of fertilizer to grow enough animal feed to be able to meet the meat demand.
Changing our consumption behavior to less meat consumption can mitigate the problem of agricultural pollution to a certain degree.

Seventh way is to prevent excess nutrients from reaching the water. Farmers can build fences along water bodies in order to prevent the access for animals and thus excessive amounts of nutrients enter the water.
Although this is just a small measure in order to reduce agricultural pollution, it still is a small step in order to reach our goal of less pollution.
Eighth way is to raise the awareness of farmers on the topic of agricultural pollution. Farmers have to be convinced and educated of the negative effects they may cause to the environmental system. They should be taught that the excessive use of fertilizer and pesticides have a huge adverse impact on the whole ecosystem. Thus, by increasing the farmers’ knowledge, agricultural pollution can be mitigated to a certain degree.

Ninth way is to educate. Education is key in order to solve any kind of problem. We have to make people aware about the adverse consequences regarding agricultural pollution. This education has to start at a young age.
By education children about agricultural pollution and its negative consequences for the environment, we can make a huge impact on a behavioral change in our environment.
These children will be likely to convince their parents regarding the negative impacts they make in their daily life. Parents may also change their consumption behavior due to their children’s’ opinion.
Good morning 🌞 Tuesday 🌻The soul's Joy lies in doing 🦋
In later years when the educated children have grown up, they may also have a positive impact since they may avoid consumption behavior that supports agricultural pollution.
Education is quite important to motivate people to change their behavior and therefore to fight the issue of agricultural pollution.
Tenth way is to convince others. Our contribution is an important part to solve the problem of agricultural pollution. However, our daily actions are not enough to make a big impact. We also have to convince our family and friends about the negative effects of their consumption behavior on our environment.
We have to show them how they indirectly contribute to agricultural pollution on a daily basis. By doing so, people are likely to change their behavior.
To make this process even more effective, we not only have to show people how they adversely impact the environment with their actions, we also have to show them alternatives.
Complaining is not enough, we also have to point out practical solutions which can be implemented in our daily life. For instance, this could mean reducing meat consumption from a daily basis to a few times a week.

Finely, we need to also educate on the facts to resolve this issue:
Agricultural pollution can be seen as a serious problem to the environmental system. It affects humans, animals, plants and also our water cycle in an adverse way.
There are many factors that cause agricultural pollution. The main factor that contributes heavily to agricultural pollution is the excessive industrial use of fertilizer and pesticides.
Also, our consumption behavior contributes to agricultural pollution. Thus, the pollution sources can be mitigated in an effective way if the awareness on this topic is increased in our society.
If we all stick together, we can help to reduce agricultural pollution even through our consumption behavior in our daily life.
Erosion, desertification, and pollution have become our lot. It is a weird form of suicide, for we are bleeding our planet to death. -- Gerald Durrell

Until tomorrow, “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – Jennifer Lee