We accumulate our opinions at an age when our understanding is at its weakest.
Good day Monday,
It’s a new week and a beginning of a new month. November is a month of thankfulness. Its also the last week to vote in the Presidential Election in the US. Its been a surprising year for all! Lots and lots of opinions all over social media!!!

It's okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. That doesn't give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you don't like what they are saying.
Learn to recognize good writing when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.
With all the media today; Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Tumblr, Parler, Instagram, and many more; its hard to form the truth and not just someone’s opinion. The TV now has so many cable channels, which carries news channels. The news is more then just stating facts its about ratings and opinions. What to believe these days!!!

John F. Kennedy said it best in the Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962. The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
Good morning 🌞 Monday‼️.Live your life to the fullest and chase your dreams Go out today and start chasing your dream - it's never to late. #inspiration#motivation#livelifetothefullest
I have kept neutral on all my media sites, even though I have done a lot of research and coming back from another country seeing from the outside in. It’s just my opinion, for Dan and I before moving to Mexico seven years ago; it was not all that great with the way the interest rates were, stocks were dropping, and gas was going up and up. We figured moving to Mexico we could heal and regroup our finances.
The economy was getting back to normal, last year. The gas prices went down and the stock market was going up. This was a great opportunity to come back to the US, and not feeling the pressure of having to start over again. Well, the corona virus came, however our IRA was going up. So, is that bad!!! This is facts and I’m sure others feel the same way Dan and I do.

So, before you agree with someone’s opinions that you have read, listen to news or any other media outlet; please research. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with deliberate changes of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free people- Abraham Lincoln

Dendritic cell therapy, also is called the dendritic cell vaccine. This is a newly emerging and potent form of immunotherapy used to treat cancer conditions. In the case of cancer, dendritic cell therapy is an immunotherapy that harnesses the body's own immune system to fight cancer.

The dendritic cell itself is an immune cell whose role is the recognition, processing, and presentation of foreign antigens to the T-cells in the effector arm of the immune system.
Although dendritic cells are potent cells, they are not usually present in adequate quantity to allow for a potent immune response. Dendritic cell therapy involves the harvesting of blood cells (such as monocytes or macrophages) from a patient and processing them in the laboratory to produce dendritic cells, which are then given back to a patient in order to allow massive dendritic participation in optimally activating the immune system.

Dendritic cell therapy represents a new and promising immunotherapeutic approach for treatment of advanced cancer as well as for a secondary prevention of cancer. As Dr. Harmon Eyre, the VP of research at the AMA commented on the results of dendritic cell therapy for cancer, “Patients responses are far out of proportion to anything that any current therapy could do”.
For decades, cancer researches have been interested in immunologic treatment using vaccines against cancer but with little progress. Recently breakthroughs have shown that tumor-associated antigens can be used to vaccinate patients and that the dendritic cell is a potent blood cell able to present such antigens and stimulate the naïve immune system.

Dendritic cell therapy has reported success even in stage IV cancer patients who have failed all other therapies.
Another approach to cancer therapy takes advantage of the normal role of the dendritic cell as an immune educator. Dendritic cells grab antigens from viruses, bacteria, or other organisms and wave them at T cells to recruit their help in an initial T cell immune response.

This works well against foreign cells that enter the body; however, the cancer cells often evade the self/non-self-detection system.
By modifying dendritic cells, researchers are able to trigger a special kind of autoimmune response that includes a T cell attack of the cancer cells.
When a cancer antigen alone is not enough to rally the immune troops, scientists first fuse a cytokine to a tumor antigen with the hope that this will send a strong antigenic signal.
Then they grow a patient’s dendritic cells in the incubator and let them take up this fused cytokine-tumor antigen.

This enables the dendritic cells to mature and eventually display the same tumor antigens as appears on the patient’s cancer cells.
When these special mature dendritic cells are given back to the patient, they wave their newly acquired tumor antigens at the patient’s immune system. Those T cells that can respond mount an attack on the patient’s cells.
Humans normally produce cancer cells throughout their lives. Malignant cells exposed to a healthy, active immune system will either be attacked and destroyed (phagocytosis) or genetically programmed for self-destruction (apoptosis).

Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities are commonly associated with human cancers. Since the genetic mutations leading to the development of cancer are often random events, every patient’s tumor can contain a unique repertoire of antigens. The characteristic of human cancer requires each patient’s immune system to recognize the specific antigens present.
It is in this area of unique genetic profile, and the genetic, mutations of each cancer that we capitalize our ability to make autologous dendritic cell cancer vaccines.

Unique advantages of dendritic cell therapy:
Dendritic cells transfected with RNA encoding tumor antigens have been shown to stimulate potent immune cell response equal or superior to other competing approaches.
The vaccine is completely autologous potentially offering maximum safety with practically no side-effects.
The vaccine targets the entire antigenic repertoire of the tumor including private mutations unique to the patient.
Administration of concentrated dendritic cells and active white cells with specific characteristic to the patient’s disease are part of the immune specific protocol.

Here is a brief summary of what takes place:
Dendritic cells are a kind of the immune cells and as such it forms the part of the mammalian immune system. As far as the main process is concerned, I must say that its main job is to process the antigen material and current it on the surface to other cells of the immune system, thus functioning as antigen-presenting cells.
The dendritic cells are present in the small quantities in the tissues that are in contact with the external environment which is mainly the skin and the inner lining of the stomach, lungs, nose and the intestine. We can also find them in the immature state of the blood.
As soon as they are activated, they move to the lymphoid tissues where they react with the T cell and the B cells to initiate and shape the adaptive immune response. At definite expansion stages they grow branched projections, the dendrites that give the cell its name. However, these do not have any particular relation with neurons, which also have similar appendages.
Undeveloped dendritic cells are also called veiled cells, in which case they possess large cytoplasmic ‘veils’ rather than dendrites.
Dan and I are very humble to have Dr. Garcia as a physician as well as a friend. I would like to thank him for giving his passion and accepting my invitation to do a personal interview. I spoke with our Doctor, Dr. Garcia and asked if I can interview him regarding the treatments that he has treated us with, for the past ten years. I thought, how great it would be to hear from him personally. So, today I’m dedicating this piece to Dr. Garcia for without him we would not have the knowledge and quality of life we are living.
The peak
The mystery
Of climbing to
The top brings glory
To my soul with the spirits
That echoes through the music
Of compassion.
We have listened to him and are very humble to know and follow his work. Listening is defined as to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing; give an ear. Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.
Dr. Garcia de Leon - IN SPANISH
Dendritic cells were first described by Paul Langerhans (Langerhans cells) in the late nineteenth century. It wasn’t until 1973, on the other hand, that the term “dendritic cells” was given by Ralph M. Steinman and Zanvil A. Cohn. In 2007 Steinman has been awarded the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research for his discovery.
Types of Dendritic cells
There are generally two kinds of the dendritic cells. I must say that the two kind of the dendritic cells are myeloid and plasmacytoid which is also called the lymphoid.
I would at first like to discuss the myeloid dendritic cells.

1. Myeloid dendritic cells
These are most similar to the monocytes. The MDC are made up of two subsets:
The more common mDC-1, which is a major stimulator of T cells.
The extremely rare mDC-2, which may have a function in fighting wound infection.

2. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells
These look like the plasma cells but have the certain characteristic of the myeloid dendritic cells.
Characteristic of the immature dendritic cells
High intracellular MHC II in the form of MIICs.
Expression of CD1a.
Active endocytosis for certain particulates and proteins; presence of FcgR and active phagocytosis.
Deficient T cell sensitization in vitro.
Low/absent adhesive and costimulatory molecules (CD40/54/58/80/86).
Low/absent CD25, CD83, p55, DEC-205, 2A1antigen.
Responsive to GM-CSF, but not M-CSF and G-CSF.
Maturation inhibited by IL-10.
Similarly, there are some characteristic of the mature dendritic cells and I must tell you that these cells are really of great importance.
Again, each facility may due this therapy differently. So, before deciding on a facility ask them how they administrate this procedure? What lab or if they do the lab work inhouse?
You shouldn't let other people's opinions affect what you do in life.

Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe (Avoid the Harmful Chemicals)
Shaving creams have a lot of toxins, and most of them contain mineral oil, foaming agents, and antifreeze, just to name a few.
This rich, fluffy homemade shaving cream recipe allows you to avoid these harmful ingredients.
Coconut oil, almond oil, and shea butter will guide your razor smoothly over your skin to help prevent nicks along the way, while leaving your skin silky and moisturized.
The castile soap will act as the foaming agent but won’t lather like a drugstore shaving cream.
But, here’s the thing: a shaving cream doesn’t need to foam. We’re just used to seeing this way.
As long as it’s moisturizing and “slippery”, it’s doing its job.
½ cup coconut oil
½ cup shea butter
3 tablespoons almond oil
10 tablespoons liquid castile soap
Until tomorrow, people have a right to their own opinions, but not to their own facts.
Evidence must be located, not created, and opinions not backed by evidence cannot be given much weight. So, always do your own research. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
