You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.
Hello followers,
Thank Goodness it is Friday!

This week I had challenges with my blog.
It seems that I have gone over my limit on images on my posts.
The situation was, I either pay some money to upgrade or just use the pictures that I have already downloaded on my site.
Dan and I have been posting our experiences, knowledge, and motivation messages; we do not charge any money to you for this information, and we have an annual fee to keep this website.
We are trying to keep sharing with less cost to us, so you may see the same pictures repeatedly.
Trying to be positive when we are experiencing serious distress may seem impossible.
During this time, it is important that we take the pressure off ourselves and count on each of you for energy and support.
Positive thinking is not about burying every negative thought or emotion you have or avoiding difficult feelings.
The lowest points in our lives are often the ones that motivate us to move on and make positive changes.

So, thank you for your support and we welcome you to continue following.
We will continue for as long as you follow.

Continuing as in the previous posts; 365 morning meditations for joyful days all year long.
The book is SUNRISE GRATITUDE by Emily Silva.
June 16th
SOMETIMES WE ARE INCLINED to go through all the things that could happen and go wrong.
These thought spirals send out negative energy, creating anxiety and tension in our bodies.
When you find yourself full of anxiety, place your attention on the present moment.
When we zero in on what could go wrong, we form scenarios that may never happen.
Interrupt the pattern by infusing your thoughts with positive energy, which will attract positive energy and alleviate anxious thoughts.
PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.

We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong.
Dan and I have started back bouncing and walking to Walk at Home YouTube.
It is always important to change your routine around you but continue keeping a healthy lifestyle.
For us, that may be walking through a park, walking in a mall, or going to the gym and just staying home, bouncing, and walking to Walk at Home with YouTube.
This also includes daily meditation and twice a week Tai Chi.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Until Saturday, when you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It is all a matter of perspective.