Your purpose is driven by your passions and when you follow that passion, you fill your life with -
Your purpose is driven by your passions and when you follow that passion, you fill your life with joy and feel fulfilled.
Hello Followers,
Happy Tuesday and last day of May!

May was a great time to think about your life.
Don’t let the days and weeks get away from you!
Slow down, let go of a few worries, and refocus your energy and effort.
Constantly trying harder at all the things, is rarely beneficial.
What ONE action or goal would actually make the biggest positive difference in your life right now?
Maybe it’s time to do that thing.
Today Dan and I are blogging on the third level that we learned to fuel the WHY in something bigger than ourselves, the higher the level, the greater your resilience.

With each step up in the connection, you're more resilient; not to mention, more satisfied.
Each subsequent level strives for more and deeper reach, and it's that higher purpose that gives you the power to withstand anything.
As we like to say, the bigger the boat, the less likely it is to capsize.

It’s the last day of May, we thought to end this month with one more fun thing to share on this series of; What is it about May that’s so significant during this month?
Let’s take a look at this a-may-zing month!

On this day MAY 31; National Smile Day.
Wear your best smile to work as we celebrate National Smile Day every year on May 31.
Founded by dentists Dr. Tim Stirneman and Jim Wojdyla of Compassionate Dental Care in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, this day is meant to, you guessed it, share with the world what the power of a healthy smile can do!

The best part, this day heralds the beginning of National Smile Month!
The history of the smile can be traced back to monkeys and apes, according to primatologist Signe Preuschoft.
These animals bare their teeth in a facsimile of a smile to show dominance or warn off predators.

The theory is that humans copied this behavior and, over time, the smile evolved to show amusement and enjoyment.
Research indicates that on the way to portraying happiness, smiles were a way of attracting mates among early humans.
If you’ve ever wondered why older portraits often showed unsmiling people, it was because people in that era had a lot of tooth rot caused by sugar and a poor diet.
Plus, more common was the aristocratic perception that smiling and laughing was indecorous, and showed a lack of self-control or good manners.

One of the few exceptions was Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa,” although the portrait’s ambiguity is part of its fame.
As dentistry and an attitude of authenticity developed, people began smiling even in portraits, this time with their teeth on display.

Studies of yearbook photographs over the years point to the breadth of smiles increasing over the years.
The study indicates that because participants had to hold the pose for longer periods in the earlier days of photography, their smiles gradually dimmed.
The prevalence of smiling in the recent past is linked to cultures and traditions and varies from country to country.
Some regions with high individualism and low population density had a higher incidence of people who smiled.
A study found that the biggest reason people smile, however, can be attributed to a country’s tradition of diverse immigration over time.

So, places like Brazil and the United States; where people do not share common customs or languages, see higher incidences of smiles.
The study states that this is because the smile is part of a universal language.

Also, it’s National Save Your Hearing Day.
End Better Speech and Hearing Month on a high note but at a lower volume, observe National Save Your Hearing Day; which is celebrated each year on May 31.

While it is unclear who founded this particular event, what these mysterious people wanted is crystal clear, to protect hearing and stave off hearing loss at all costs.
Time is precious and is priceless, so Dan and I will continue each day to pull from a box of 365 inspirational quotes; one quote and share with you.

Today is:

Continuing from last year the series on LIVING SUCCESSFULLY WITH SCREWED-UP PEOPLE, by Elizabeth B. Brown.
Dan and I continue to share ways to benefit and help keep one’s health cells healthy.
A wise man told me ten years ago, when one is in balance with themselves; one stays healthy.
For more information click on book

ü Communication is a combination of right words and sensitive acts.
ü Begin with the end in mind.
ü The goal of good communication is unity within diversity.
Tomorrow starting on Chapter 16; IS DIFFERENT SCREWED UP?

This is the spot that Dan and I have been posting, on the time to get ready for food and remedies that heal; alchemy of herbs.
This week Dan and I have been blogging on the herb; DANDELION and the benefits.
It’s amazing what and how dandelion can help keep your body healthy?
How about dandelion for cancer!

The big C is one of the scariest things that someone can hear from their doctor.
That’s why whenever someone spots a lump on their breast or finds blood in their stool they immediately run to their hospital and get themselves checked.
In fact, that’s actually good practice since you’ll have a better chance of surviving if you spot cancer early.

Go to to other methods of treatments that do not cause side effects.
It’s important to note that you should always stick to the treatment plan, but dandelion can aid the process.
One hospital in Canada suggested that dandelions might be useful due to the fact that it can help with programmed cell death.
This means that it can kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed, unlike chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Mice with leukemia, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma were used as test subjects and the results were quite promising despite it being in the early stages.

The PHRASE TO REMEMBER; Health is Wealth.
We stand by this and continue to do daily; walk, meditation, and Qigong.
If you would like to follow with us; hash tag words #walk, #meditation #Qigong on the right of the main blog page.
Your purpose is driven by your passions and when you follow that passion, you fill your life with joy and feel fulfilled. #yourpurpose#driven#yourpassion#passions#followthatpasssion#fillyourlife#lifewithjoy#feel

Until Wednesday, take up one idea. Make that one idea your life think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea,
and just leave every other idea alone.
This is the way to success.